It seems that an ancient civilization existed as recently as 140 years ago that has been effectively purged from the history books. Odd references remain, Lovecraft references Tartary in his short story Through the Gates of the Silver Key. Old Brittanica encyclopedias show Tartaria as occupying much of what we think of as the Soviet Union today. There is a document retrieved from the CIA via FOIA from the 1950s that praises mother Russia on the great job she did purging Tartary from history...
It seems that an ancient civilization existed as recently as 140 years ago that has been effectively purged from the history books. Odd references remain, Lovecraft references Tartary in his short story Through the Gates of the Silver Key. Old Brittanica encyclopedias show Tartaria as occupying much of what we think of as the Soviet Union today. There is a document retrieved from the CIA via FOIA from the 1950s that praises mother Russia on the great job she did purging Tartary from history...
TARTARIA Explained Pt 1 - History Erased! The Irish Connection