Who's Killing the Hydrogen Car? - Bob Lazar

Conspyre Photo

2 years
Former Area 51 employee Bob Lazar is interviewed by Visual Effects Supervisor Jon Farhat. In this video, they discuss what H1 (hydrogen) is, how it is created and it’s potential in the automotive sector. In addition, Bob show us he has his own particle accelerator which he uses to create 6Li (lithium-6) H (hydride) for H1 storage.

6Li is used to store hydrogen safely and efficiently. It is also one of the key components in making a thermal-nuclear weapon, but by itself is not dangerous. Because of crony capitalism and ignorant politicians, the US government has banned 6Li and the buying and selling of it. However, the making of 6Li H yourself with your own particle accelerator IS NOT!

Bob is the owner of of United Nuclear Scientific and Switch2Hydrogen. Jon is the owner of ODEMAX and director of this video.

A Particle Accelerator is not needed in 2022 to make hydrogen at home. Hydrogen dispensers are expensive (around $135,000 a few months ago for the one below) but will plummet in price as the equipment is mass produced. A Texan bought a home dispenser (sadly Hydrogen Bill is no longer with us) - here's a local TV clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrpi5ewsnIs

Millennium Reign Website https://residentialhydrogenpower.com

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