Fluoride is a chemical that is systematically conscious added to the water and toothpaste to Fuck up your teeth decay and Brain and to make you SICK!Show more Did you know that fluoride has a dark and sinister history?
This video expose the Fucking Truth... Again...
The biggest Lie is that People believe and trust that the government care about your health!
Follow the Fucking Money!
Documentary exposes the truth about fluoride and how they made you think that Fluorid is good for your health and teeth, so they can put it in your water and dental products...
But in reality it's an extremely toxic chemical that is deadly!
Note: I have since early 2020 filtered and 'Votex' all my water and now make my own toothpaste. I have lost over 35 kg since...
Kim Osbl's & Dr Tom Cowan's Water Filtering and Structuring Routine! [09.03.2023]
How to Filter and Vortex your water for Poor People... Like me! (incl links and info)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/z7poCChBxGlh/ https://t.me/KimOsboel/16689 https://rumble.com/v2ceopw-kim-osbls-and-dr-tom-cowans-water-filtering-and-structuring-routine-09.03.2.html
Filterd water for poor people (like me) who live in big cities and can not excape I recommend:
1. Wish Healthy Home Kitchen Clean Faucet Tap Purifier Water Filter Cartridge Coconut Carbon Random Color
https://dafi.info/ -
approx 120 kr incl 1 default filter (1 mdl), 3 standard filter approx 100,- kr (3 mdl)
Note: I do not recommend a Britta jug, have tried it.
3. Living Water Vortex Jug (now 1.915 kr) Currently only in 2 stores in Denmark.
https://www.clean-water.dk/living-water-vortex https://www.clean-water.dk/webshop/living-water-vortexer https://shop.7d.dk/rent-vand/living-water-vortexer (1.995 kr)
https://www.clean-water.dk/living-water-vortex/filosofien-bag-kanden https://carolinapuck.dk/living-water-vortex-energikande/ https://www.clean-water.com/ https://www.structuredwater.com.au/nature-s-mathematics
Resarch Viktor Shauberger Vortex Water:
https://duckduckgo.com/?q=viktor +schauberger+water&t=h_&ia=web
https://duckduckgo.com/?q=viktor +schauberger+water&t=h_&iax=videos&ia=videos
https://www.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEB& ;search_query=viktor+schauberger+vortex+
1. I use Bicarbonate of Soda every morning, one teaspoon in a cup with one teaspoon of honey in hot filtered and Vortex water.
Doves Natron Bicarbonate of Soda (200 gr) gluten-free ecologically(Baking Soda)
Sodium Bicarbonate. Vegetarian, vegan, wheat-free, gluten-free, nut- and soy-free.
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate.
https://www.helsebixen.dk/shop/natron-6925p.html https://www.planetorganic.com/products/doves-farm-bicarbonate-of-soda-200g https://www.dovesfarm.co.uk/products/bicarbonate-of-soda-200g
2. Do you Brush your teeth?
- Fluoride is toxic and banned in many countries, in Denmark it is not... I now use organic coconut oil mixxed with Bicarbonate of Soda and organic Fine Celtic Sea Salt and organic cayenne pepper to Brush my teeth. I use the same when I shave once in a while. Find your own way of doing it.
Dr. Tullio Simoncini: Cure Cancer with Baking Soda/Sodium Bicarbonate! [Apr 8, 2020]
Dr Lorraine Day: How to Cure Cancer and other Dis-'eases' Naturally! TERRAIN [25.07.2022]
Stanislaw Burzynski, MD, PhD - The Cancer Cure Cover-up Full Documentary [Jan 1, 2023]
Dr Tom Cowan: What is Cancer? [July 6th, 2020]
Dr Tom Cowan: What is Cancer? 'Cancer and the Biology of Water' Part 1 [Feb 16, 2020]
Dr Tom Cowan: What is Cancer? 'Cancer and the Biology of Water' Part 2 [Feb 16, 2020]
Barbara O'Neill (Australia): How to Detox your body with Water and Celtic Sea Salt! [30.01.2023]
Barbara O'Neill: Living Springs Retreat - Water & Salt! [19.07.2022]
Hey Barbara O'Neill (Australia) How do I Heal my Teeth Naturally? [26.03.2023]
Barbara O'Neill (Australia) What about Cayenne Pepper and Charcoal ? [Oct 17, 2017]
Barbara O'Neill (Australia) What about CAYENNE PEPPER Can it stop Heart Attacks! [19.02.2023]
Barbara O'Neill (Australia): Cayenne Pepper or Aspirin? You choose! (Teaser/Trailer) [19.02.2023]
Dr Sam Bailey about Aluminium, 'Vaccines' & how to Detox your Body! [24.01.2023]
Silica-rich natural mineral water links, very difficult to get here in Denmark!
https://smithwater.co.nz/our-water/ https://www.spritzer.com.my https://www.danone.com/brands/waters/volvic.html https://www.bitchute.com/video/Z47hJThu8yvF/ https://t.me/KimOsboel/12961
And much more...
Showing 10 of 18 matches.
https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=the %20evil%20history%20of%20fluoride&kind=video&sort=new
The EVIL History of Fluoride
Evil Food Supply
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1,182,611 views Feb 5, 2023
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