Houses gone,Trees Standing Like Maui Terrible Terrorist Attack- NEW Interview Robert Brame

Conspyre Photo

2 months
This is a brand new interview by Peggy Hall with Forensic Arborist Robert Brame analysiing the current LA Fire attack.
1. Spray the skies with flammable chemicals.
2. Ignite the fires with a directed energy microwave beam. Sateite shows all three fires started at the exact same time.
3. Geoengineer winds to fuel the radiation fires to quickly spread them.
4. Make sure the water is turned off.
6. Insurance was cancelled.
Land grab mass murder, domestic terrorist attack on Los Angeles CA.
We are in serious trouble folks. Share this widely everywhere. Be brave to speak it loud and clear. We are under attack. No one is safe. Demand it stop Let all know we know . Someone get this to Trump and staff. He has got to realize this is an attack not from dry conditions and climate change. Or we are done for.