Have the Rothschilds and other Judeo-Masonic conspirators controlled America behind the scenes for over 225 years? Did they secretly fund the American Revolution and bankroll the continental army of General George Washington? Do they today manipulate our economy, our culture, and our politicians?
In 1945 this wealthy and powerful band of Jewish cabalists set up the puppet United Nations. In 1948, they founded the theocratic state of Israel in the Middle East. More recently, they installed Bill Clinton and George W. Bush in the White House and elevated Russian KGB Chief Vladimir Putin to power in the Kremlin. Their minions now oversee the media and Hollywood and are in charge of America’s CIA, FBI, and Federal Reserve banking system.
What do these diabolical plotters intend to do next? Discover their bold agenda and learn of the ultimate fate of the world’s hidden elite in this fascinating documentary video, Illuminati Mystery Babylon