My name is Dr. Sherry tenpenny. I'm an osteopathic physician. I live in Cleveland, Ohio, I have a clinic here in Cleveland, Ohio tenpenny integrative Medical Center that has been in practice since 1996. I'm always proud to say that we've had people from all 50 states and about 17 foreign countries to come here and get well and find out what their core problem is and get them off of their pharmaceutical drugs. For those who don't know what integrative medicine is, it's like the best of both worlds. So we use all the conventional tools and tests, like CAT scans, MRIs, blood tests, to identify what the problem is, but we have a much larger selection of opportunities and have options to get people better. So we can use pharmaceutical prescriptions, or we can use vitamins, herbs, homeopathy, all kinds of supplements, we talk about diet, exercise, holistic life living. So it was a big leap for me to come and do this. Because my first career I was board certified in emergency medicine, and the director of a level two Trauma Center for 12 years.
Well, I have a separate company, I have actually run several companies, but my separate company, is courses for mastery. And we have several different offerings and educational courses that we have there. We have an online boot camp course, the new book, kid boot camp for 2021 is we're going to do two boot camps each about six weeks in length will be in the spring in the fall. And we're going to have a summer camp to depends on what the internet is like, Come Come June. And we teach people about problems associated with vaccines, we actually educate people in the language of how to communicate to people who are just learning about problems associated with vaccines, we teach them a language of, of how to communicate without heat, and to do it without losing friends and family members. So the boot camp has been addressed addresses all of the things that you would normally address if you're walking up and just starting to talk to somebody about vaccines that just really believe that vaccines are safe, effective, necessary. And the best thing since sliced bread and perforated toilet paper.
And what got you into the vaccine? Um, for one thing, I grew up in a chiropractic family and I was not vaccinated as a kid. So I had all the age appropriate measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, pertussis, all of those things. My dad had gone into the Korean War and had gotten all these vaccines before he went into the war and has gotten definitely sick. And so when I was born, he said, No, we're not doing that. And so it's also at the time when the polio vaccine was first introduced in 55. And I was born in 1958. And then that way, and all the chiropractic literature at that time was showing all the problems that kids were having after the after the polio vaccine. They were all many were developing paralyzed limbs and having a lot of problems after the polio vaccine. So my parents decided that I was not going to be vaccinated, and I was going to be raised on Chiropractic and vitamins and good food and, and never really gave the vaccine issue much of a thought.
When I was an ER doc I used to give out, I used to say, I used to give out tetanus shots like they were some special kind of candy. And then when I insert when I was here in the clinic, so I started this clinic here in 1996. And I started having parents coming in and saying like, what, what's your take on vaccines? I'm like, Well, I don't know, I don't know that much about him. I don't really think they're necessary, and just sort of left it at that. And then I got a flyer that came in the mail that was laid on my kitchen counter for weeks, it was a flyer to go to the National Vaccine Information Center meeting in Washington, DC, in September of 2000. When I really didn't want to go the timing really wasn't very good. And, and so I just sort of, but every time we try to throw the brochure away, it would end up back on my kitchen counter again. And so I finally called them and I said, when's your next conference? And they said, Well, we may never have another one was like,
well, there must be some reason I'm supposed to go to this conference. Maybe there's somebody there I'm supposed to meet. So I went to the conference and sat through four days of listening to researchers and scientists and doctors and lawyers and parents and, and saw, you know, the carnage of Vaccine Injury with so many parents that were there with their vaccine injured kids, that when I came home, I said you maybe have to look into this a little bit more. Well, looking into it a little bit more has led to more than 20 years of research and the problems associated with vaccines, and I've invested well over
Over 40,000 hours of my time reading, studying writing, I've written two books, I've contributed chapters to several more. My articles have been translated into multiple different languages. We have a pretty busy website in terms of educating people about problems with vaccines. And it holds my interest, I think, because there's always something new,
always something different and more nefarious than the last one. So it's important to let people know the other side of the story that conventional doctors are never going to tell you, because they just simply don't know.
In 1986, Congress passed a law and President Ronald Reagan signed into law, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act, which gave the heart of the pharmaceutical industry, particularly the Vaccine Injury industry, the vaccine industry, complete liability protection for every vaccine that was administered. So if your child gets a vaccine and becomes injured, starts to have seizures, or maybe even dies, the only recourse that you have is to file a claim with in the federal court of claims that we commonly refer to as the vaccine court, in an attempt to get compensation for that injury.
What's happened with the COVID vaccine is that the there is a piece of legislation that was passed in 2005, called the prep Act, which stands for public readiness and emergency preparedness act. inside of that act of 2005. It took the 1986 Injury Compensation Act, and actually put it on steroids because now it's not just childhood vaccines, like the 19 86x. But it's every single vaccine, every medication, every technology, every software, every hardware that is involved with anything called a covered countermeasure has complete liability protection underneath this 2005 prep act, so they can put anything in it. If you get injured, you get sick, you die. The only recourse that you have is if you get a sizable number of people together who've been injured. And you can convince the US Attorney General, that that product was made under an act of willful misconduct, meaning the manufacturer made it with the intent to actually harm you, which I've been told by many lawyers is impossible to prove in a court of law. So they can put anything in it, they can get away with anything they want. It entered into the Federal Register, it was entered into the Federal Register in March of 2020. And it was in whenever you reactivate an old piece of legislation like that, you have to give it a sundown date. So when you read through the whole thing, you get to the end, it says this legislation will be in place until October 1 of 2024. Or until it's declared that we no longer have a pandemic or an emergency, whichever comes first.
I think all of them have a willful mal intent. I think that because the entire when you're injecting foreign matter into children under the good the ruse of saying this is necessary and is done to keep them healthy. When it's in fact what it does is that weakens their immune system and makes them sick, and in many cases makes them a customer for life of the pharmaceutical industry. I believe that there is a lot of intentional design. They're
each one of the if you add up all of the different ingredients and all the different vaccines, there's well over 100 different ingredients. Now that's not 100 ingredients in one vaccine. That's just saying that if you take a you get a dose of all of them, and all of the vaccines, basically you get multiple doses, then you're going to get over 100 doses of chemicals, and some of them are are quite nefarious, like formaldehyde, aluminum, mercury, cow blood chicken parts. There's a flu shot that's made from dog kidney cells. There's a separate flu shot that's made from insect cells. There's something called to phenoxyethanol mean there's a beta propria lactone, which is a known carcinogen that's found in the rabies vaccine. There are a lot of chemicals that have MSDS sheets and say that they are known carcinogens, but they're found in our childhood vaccines.
Most of the time when kids go to have a what they call a vaccination day that they get anywhere from three to seven vaccines at the same time. Now, that's a whole big dose of chemicals. That's a whole bunch of particles of viruses and bacteria. And when in reality, are you ever going to be exposed to all to Hepatitis B, hepatitis A pertussis diphtheria tetanus
And measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox and all those things when you are going to be exposed to those all on the same day that your immune system would have to mount a resistance to fight off that infection all at the same time? Well, the answer that's never. And so it's an actual assault on the immune system. And
it's my opinion that every single vaccine in every single person causes harm at some level. You may not see it overtly people may not end up with seizures or horrible eczema, or asthma. But on a cellular level, what's happening inside of yourselves I, it's my firm belief that every vaccine causes damage, at some level to every person who gets it. In fact, I've often said that the only safe vaccine is the one that's still in the vial.
Okay, see, you're generally against vaccines.
After 20 years of research, and 40,000 hours of reading, there's not much you can do to convince me that vaccines do anything but harm people.
Okay. And I and I really disliked the label that they put on people being anti vaccine, what it is, it's like, once you, I mean, it's like, you know, Bobby Kennedy says, sometimes things like, you know, I'm against mercury and fish. Does that mean, I'm anti fish? You know, it's like if I'm against injecting children with foreign matter, for no good reason whatsoever. In my like, anti child and my anti vaccine, no, I've done my homework. I've read the information. And once you become educated and informed, you're actually an enlightened person who's advocating against poisoning children. You're not an anti vaccine conspiracy theorist.
Yeah, I've often said that some things, pick some things you pick, and some things pick you. And and I would say that this sort of picked me. I mean, if I had to do the last 20 years over again, do you think I really would just pick, you know, spending all of my time studying problems with vaccines? I mean, at one point, I actually was praying and crying and saying, God, why did you give me this to do? Why didn't you give me like Tony Robbins, go team, rah, rah, you know, this is hard, and people don't want to hear it, and you're constantly swimming upstream against the current. And it's just that I just know that this is the kind of what he gave me to do. And that's why I've done it for so long. And in the biggest, broadest possible venues that I can, because parents need to be educated, they need to question they need to stop and take a step back and just say, what's coming through that needle? Why do I need that? What is the what is the infection like, versus what is the potential for the side effect look like, you know, when they actually have on the package insert that one of the potential side effects is death? Well, is getting a cough from pertussis so bad. You know, it's so it's, it's a really, really gnarly industry that I've spent a lot of time researching
COVID has destroyed everything. I mean, that was the plan. I mean, you have to look at the nefarious sources of where this has come from, from the World Economic Forum and the waveform.org people in the Davos billionaires and, you know, the whole idea of completely smashing the world. I mean, think about all of the industries that have been blown up with this, the travel industry, the hotel industry, the restaurant industry, even just like malls and places like that, where it's just become a way of American way of life to go to the mall. And, and if do nothing more than to just walk through the wall and through the mall and window shop.
It's gone. I mean, people aren't going to be able to, I mean, start new businesses to serve who nobody's allowed to go into a restaurant, they can't go into a store only so many people are allowed in social distancing nonsense, you know, wearing a mask. And people I know, I can't tell you how many people that I know, would prefer to stay home, because they can get access most of the things that they need online, then to have to go out and wear a diaper on their face.
You know, the whole American dream of just, if you dream it, it will come if you build it, it will come if the idea of like owning a business running a business, building a business, a business that you already have that you want to expand and make bigger. I mean, how are you going to do that when you've got governors wanting to shut you down and tell you what you can wear on your face and how many people are allowed to be in your room. And you know, it's this whole thing is because it's this virus, this virus that's like the smartest virus ever, ever. It knows how to tell distance. It knows how to measure height. I mean in those six feet away, it knows when you're standing up versus sitting down because when you walk into a restaurant, you
You better wear a mask. But when you sit down, you can take it off. So it knows I, it can tell time. It knows that before 10 o'clock at night, oh my gosh, everything's just fine. We can all sit around and eat and drink and weigh in and watch a television. But after 10 o'clock, you're dead. It knows whether you or it can count the number of people in the room, because you can't have more than 10 because then the virus knows that. It can tell what building it's in. I mean, if it's if you're in Home Depot, it knows to leave or target it knows to leave you alone. But if you're in a church dead, you're sick. And also can tell you whether or not you're talking or singing. Because if you're talking It's okay, but if you're singing Oh my it's going to spread all over the room and make it's going to go after people. It can tell how old you are because it only attacks the elderly in that middle aged people. It can tell how many people were in the room visiting as a visitor. If there's more than two everybody's sick. If there's only one, everybody's okay. You can tell whether or not you have on a mask, because if you don't have on a mask, oh my gosh, you're gonna get sick and die. You do have on a mask? Oh, yeah. 87% of people who contracted the COVID infects COVID illness either wore a mask all the time, or most of the time. So I guess it doesn't know whether or not you're wearing a mask. But it's just the smartest virus ever. And you ever noticed how they keep making it up as you go? I mean, this week, I mean, here in Cleveland a couple of weeks ago, they you know, we have all these curfews, everybody's supposed to be in their house at 10 o'clock. So what's going to happen if I'm in my car driving down abandoned street at 11 o'clock, I guess COVID is going to get me and I'm going to die. You know, they left it out. You know, they had the they had a basketball football game here in the brown stadium. You know, a few weeks ago. The governor said we don't have to do curfew on that night. So the virus can tell what day of the week it is sparked virus smartest virus there ever was.
But when you really think about how ridiculous that is, they literally make it up as they go. There has never been any proof ever, that any illness has come from people going to bars and restaurants and particularly having the bars and restaurants open after 10 o'clock at night. Oh, is he going to be packed with people and everybody eating and drinking between 4pm and 10pm evacuated? Because it's 10 o'clock, the COVID is going to come? I mean, it's just insane. absolutely insane. And if people could kind of get their head around that, you know, sometimes people can hear it better when it comes to his humor than understanding the real facts that max mass do nothing. mask don't protect me, they don't protect you. The only thing a mask does is make the person who wears them sick. It doesn't. It's like putting up a chain link fence around your garden to try to keep out mosquitoes. It does nothing. It's not the socially conscious thing to do. You know, it's it's, it's actually it's actually I'm putting myself at risk for you. Well, wait a minute. If you're really that second, you're really that vulnerable? Maybe you should stay home. So I don't have to wear a mask. No, but since when if you're wearing a mask, when does your mask only work? If I wear my mask? It's sort of like getting a flu shot. You know, your flu shot only keeps you from getting sick if I get a flu shot to
this whole thing is absolutely crazy insane.
I mean, the vaccines are intended to keep you the person who received the vaccine or got the shot is supposed to keep you from getting sick, then what are you worried about playing with people or being around people who are unvaccinated? If it's works, and it's going to keep you from getting sick? The only person who should be concerned should be the person that's not vaccinated. Right? And if they're not concerned, and you think they're just putting themselves at great risk? Well, I guess that's their choice. It's called bodily autonomy and medical freedom that I choose to not have that stuff in my in my body.
I don't really know specifically how that works. I know the people who are involved with it obviously come from the UN, the World Health Organization, the Vatican, the world the the World Economic Forum, people that the Klaus Schwab's of the world, you know, and though that level of people that I guess they send out the memo, but it also obviously has to do something with tied with money, because when that President of Belarus came out and said, You know, they're they're trying to pay me off, you know, they said that, if I keep my people locked down, then I'm going to get additional funds. I thought that came from the IMF. It may have been the Bank of International Settlements, but somewhere somebody was threatening to take away money from them if they didn't keep their people in lockdown. I mean, there's been no there's no science people go Yeah, but the science but cite what science, there isn't any. There's nothing that shows that these that these lockdowns work. In fact, Quite to the contrary, there's been plenty of science that's been coming out saying that the
worst choice is to get people locked at home. The worst choice is for people to be quarantined. We haven't let this virus go through the population and get natural herd immunity. And so now the World Health Organization last week, and the last couple of weeks has come up with a new definition of herd immunity, the new definition of herd immunity is everyone being vaccinated.
That's how they're now defining herd immunity, as opposed to natural herd immunity that comes within a population by experiencing a particular illness and developing your own intrinsic resistance. The new norm is all of a vaccine, the vaccine industry is that herd immunity is only when a certain amount of the population is vaccinated, probably 90% or better.
How does that make you feel? hearing things like that?
It makes me wonder who co opted their brains? I mean, what Where are these people's brains, that they are just such robots and automatons? And they just drink the Kool Aid and just do what they're told and go right along? Yes, yes, yes, yes. Yes. Yes. Like they're just robots. You know, there was a
movie that came out in like the night, I think it was in the early 1990s. And the name of the movie was, was they live. And it's a science fiction movie, really cheap, done movie, not a, it was really poorly done. You're just a cheap, like gravy sci fi movie. But it really had an important message was that this guy who was a homeless guy on the street, and he found in a garbage bin, a pair of sunglasses. And when he would put on the sunglasses and look around, he would see all of these aliens, and he take them off. And they would look just like normal human beings walking down the street. And then he put them back on. And he would see ones that were literally aliens, and he'd take them off, and they'd love what normal, he did the same thing, looking at billboards, and we'd have all these subliminal messages, or you'd open a magazine and have all these subliminal messages. Well, I think that what we need to do is to be able to find those glasses and look around at the creatures that are making these rules for us.
They're certainly not human, because everything that they're doing is inhumane. You know, the masks are separating us and social distancing is making it so that we were not human anymore, and that we're suspicious of everybody. And it's the first time ever, in the history of humanity, that every single person is sick, until they're tested and proven to be healthy.
I mean, it would be a ridiculous thing if you went to the doctor. And so you went into the doctor just to have your cholesterol checked. And while you were there, the doctor says, well, let's swap your throat and see if you have strep throat. And you go, Well, I don't have a sore throat. Yeah, but we better check just to be sure. Or they would say, let's do a fingerprint to see whether or not you have the flu. I don't have the flu, I'm healthy. I'm just here to get my cholesterol checked.
But that's what we're doing with this crazy testing all these asymptomatic people with a fraudulent test called a PCR test that's fraudulent was never intended to be used in clinical medicine is only intended to be used in a laboratory. And yet we have made it into a binary result of positive and negative. And if it's positive, we're creating entire social changes, and entire economic changes based on a fraudulent test that's not done correctly, and is not given the appropriate value. We're testing normal, healthy people to see if they're sick. If this is supposed to be the most dangerous, most virulent, most contagious, most easy to spread virus ever that we have to stand, stand six feet apart from each other and wear a mask and all of these things. Why do I have to get mice the back of my throat with a skewered with a six inch long q tip and then have it sit there for 15 seconds to be able to that it gets moist enough to test to see if I've got the virus. If it's that contagious, you that you can't sing? You can't go to Thanksgiving, you can't go to dinner, you can't hug anybody, you can't shake hands, should they just be able to go
fall on a Q tip? And Shouldn't that be enough? Why do we have to go through all of this skewering of the back of my throat to get a sample of my cells to go into their DNA bank? What's one more thing that makes no sense?
So what do you think is the purpose of a testing?
A couple things. The purpose of the testing is to gather collect your DNA
to be put into a database. And the second thing is that if there's is to find positivity, because if you look across the world data, about 7% of all tests are found to be positive.
So that's a constant, you know, seven constant percent. But as the number of tested persons increase, if that 7% is constant, then you're going to have more positives, and you're going to have more cases. I mean, we no longer have a pandemic, we have a case demmick
cases, cases, cases, cases, cases, cases, cases, cases, oh my gosh, 10 more cases, oh, 15 more cases. And we've been sold the lie, that a case means that you're sick, you're contaminated, you need to be quarantine, because you're infectious, and you're going to spread somebody to something. And that's not what a case means at all. What is the case in reality, a case means if it's if you have a positive PCR test.
And you must also know the CT value, the CT value is a cycle threshold value, because how a PCR test works meant to be used only in the laboratory setting not in clinical medicine, is that if they take a sample, and they find a tiny, tiny little speck of genetic material of the virus, then they they take they do this process where they go from that one spec to two to four to eight to 16. And they double it, they keep doubling and doubling it till the cycle threshold gets to the place where they can actually see it. When it gets to the place where they can actually see it. That's the cycle threshold. The higher the number, the less likely that they there's a virus present. It's just a tiny little speck of genetic material. I kind of say it's like viral poop. That's like finding a little little bit of viral poop. But you don't find the real virus. It's like you can find a you know, you're you're outside walking down the sidewalk, and there's a there's a pile of poop that's there. You'd say, Well, that was dog poop. But there's no dog anywhere. It's like if you're walking down the sidewalk, and you see, you know, you see some poop over there. You can even say that's probably dog poop. But there's no dog anywhere around. And you have no idea how long that poop has been. There may have been there a day a month weeks, who knows? It's there, you can identify it that's viral. That's poop from a dog? Well, that's what a PCR test does. It finds viral fragments, tiny little pieces of genetics. And once it finds it, you don't know how long it's been there. It's may have been there days, weeks, months, but the whole virus isn't there, particularly if the cyclic threshold is is 30 or higher. It's a false positive, it means nothing. So you're saying they're getting consistently
7% positive results?
Well, the data shows that on the global that you have, out of all the all the testing, approximately 7% of all the swabs are positive, pretty consistently. That's pretty much what the data shows it's about it's between 6.5, and maybe 7.3% of all the swabs tested are positive. So as you test more people, if the 7% is a constant, the actual results are going to the number of positive results is going to go up based on the sheer number of people who are tested in the media is not contextualizing those numbers, not at all. And they never mentioned that you have to have to report if it turns out to be positive. What is the CT value? The CT value is a cycle threshold value. And if that number is 30 or greater, that means all you got is viral poop. You don't have a full virus. So that means you can't shed and spread. You're not contagious. Nobody can catch anything. From a fragment of virus, you have to have the whole virus to be able to spread it. What do you think is the purpose of the contact tracing?
spying, it's contact tracing is just legalized filing. It's like they're the Nazi Brownshirt movement where everybody got to spy on their neighbors for all kinds of things. It's control, control, control. How did you feel when you first heard the term? I was up my first response was it's legalized spying. The same thing I remember I was actually standing in my kitchen back here. The first time I heard the term of social distancing. I mean, I was I was I had my phone in my hand. I was looking down and I heard one of my employees say something about social distancing. And I remember popping my head up and going, Oh, dear God, please don't tell me that's going to become part of our lexicon. Part of our normal lexicon of people going to be talking about social distancing. Why don't they just say, you know, physical distancing, stand apart. You know, we need to, you know, until we get the until we get this thing figured out. We want to make sure that you know, you're not, you're not coughing on each other. Well, excuse me. If you're sick, and you're coughing, you should be home in bed.
You shouldn't be out walking around, you know? So So, I mean I was just devastated devastated but like just felt heart sick like social distancing contact tracing wearing a mask, really over a Coronavirus infection. Nah, this really isn't happening, really is it?
Well, here we are.
Can you maybe tell the audience what what is the Coronavirus or is it is it something unusual nature or is it
is very common. there's a there's a family. I mean viruses usually come like by families and then there's subtypes and so a Coronavirus is like an infant like influenza viruses there are a lot of different subtypes coronaviruses there are 36 different subtypes of coronaviruses. We first identified coronaviruses more than 60 years ago, six zero 60 years ago. There are seven coronaviruses that are seven strains of Coronavirus that are known to commonly infect humans. And so when you get this PCR test, it doesn't tell you that it's the SARS COVID to virus which is the one that is the most character of interest right now. Okay, you could get that PCR test. And it could mean that you were exposed to one of those other particularly for common Corona viruses anywhere in the last 1015 years. In fact, on an annualized basis.
When the CDC, the CDC, the Centers for Disease Control, the CDC has about 120 different testing sites here in the US. So when people get sick, like they feel like they've got the flu, which is deep body aches, fever, chill, just not feeling very well at all. When they get that that feeling of the flu, they can go into one of those testing sites and they'll do a nasal swab and they'll send it to be tested.
Well as it when it goes to this, the CDC tests about 600,000 swabs per year. So as those swabs come in, they get tested and it's either an influenza virus or something else causing that person to be sick. Only about 15% of the time is it an influenza virus 85% of the time, it's some other virus or bacteria that's making that person sick of that 85% about 20% of that has been coronaviruses every year year after year after year after year. So Coronavirus illness Coronavirus, influenza like illness Coronavirus, sinus infections have been around for a really long time. It's really not that big of a deal. So you're saying Coronavirus are like the common cold or the common flu or? Yep, exactly.
Can you maybe say that? Yeah, like the Coronavirus is about long been known to be just like the common cold or the common flu. Now, there have been you know, some people that have said that this Coronavirus is different because of something called gain of function, manipulation that they have been in a laboratory for a long time, trying to make viruses more virulent, and more stronger and more for bio weapons and biological warfare. And that this one has supposedly had an HIV snip and a rabies snip inserted into its genome, which then allows the spike protein to attach with greater affinity to a receptor to get it inside of the cells. So there is something very different about this particular Coronavirus. We also know that it's really more of a blood disease than a lung disease.
It does a whole lot of other things other than different than what garden variety coronaviruses do. So there's something very different about this particular virus, but still the the depth the the the infection rate, the infection rate from this virus that has a 99.9% recovery rate. So even if you get the COVID is everybody keeps calling it, your chance of recovery from that infection is more than 99%.
What do you think is the purpose of the COVID vaccine?
Well, the purpose of the COVID vaccine is to make people permanently sick, and many people are going to die. And it's also to tag people with this quantum dot technology. I mean the quantum dot technology, the paper that I read in detail, a white paper I read about it was actually published in 2010. So it's been in like a lot of these things that are involved with all this entire COVID. travesty. They've been in motion for quite a while. That's not anything that just came up last week. It's not anything to just start that just came up in March. It's just when they decided that 2020 was going to be
either go year.
Well, the things that we do know for sure that are in the vaccines are these three different lipoid nanotechnology particles that have to be maintained at minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit, which is colder than the north or the South Pole. And they have to be transported in that temperature. And when they thaw, they are only allowed to be open and thought up to normal temperature for like a day. And then you have to just discard the rest of it. So we know from basic high school chemistry, that you can have three totally inert ingredients sitting on your lab, on the counter in your lab, totally inert, no problem. But when you mix all three of them together, you could get like an explosion. Well, none of these individual ingredients have ever been tested in human beings before none of the three of them in the Pfizer vaccine, and they certainly have not done any synergistic toxicity. So we've got the potential of that blowing up, that could be the source of some of the anaphylaxis we've got things called polyethylene glycol, that is known to cause anaphylactic shock in experimental animals, and they've seen it also in people. That's one of the ingredients and in both of the vaccines, Simone Dara and also the Pfizer vaccine, they're talking about the quantum dot technology, the enzyme called luciferase, which is a bio luminescence enzyme that can be activated in the presence of UV light. So if you get that nano dot technology in your hand, and that little enzyme is there, then you can have some sort of a scanner that scans over it, and you can see it light up as proof of vaccination.
So it means you can't really fake it.
The hydro gel has been under development, the hydro gel technology and the nanobot technology has been under development by DARPA for decades, and the whole transhumanism movement, and making The Manchurian Candidate type of soldier for DARPA, and incorporating biotechnology and robotics into making the real the natural to the type of soldier that has no subconscious, no soul. No anything just mindlessly follows orders. That's not new, that's things that you can find that on the DARPA website, you can go and read about it.
I mean, it's it's the evolution, this is just the tool. This is just the technology to further the transhumanism movement, the the nanobot, and the artificial intelligence movement, the whole hooking us up to the cloud and having this be able to have all of your, all of your medical records, all of your financial records, all everything just already there. I mean, what other way? Are they going to do it? Or what, what more?
What I want to say easier, but that's not quite the right word. I mean, what, how can they co OPT people into doing getting a Nana getting microchipped with all of this thing? What ease what, what easier way to do it in terms of a delivery system than with a vaccine that they're mandating for everybody?
So what can we do about all this?
Don't take the vaccine.
And I think that people need to come to grips with what's happening here, and need to understand that the end game is vaccinate everyone kill off a sizable portion of the population. The people that are left are enslaved to the Chinese social credit system, they are going to be sick from the antibody dependent enhancement that these vaccines cause. And they are not going to get back into their real life. I mean, they've already said that these vaccines don't necessarily keep you from from catching a SARS COVID to infection. And you still have to wear a mask and you still have to social distance and you will have limited access to travel and it's just a way to totally enslave the entire global world population. So people is hard as it is to hear this and it's very disturbing, I'm sure especially to young people who want to have a family is that you know if this this is kind of the Brave New World, you know, when I first started hearing, hearing the language, the new normal, I said no, I'm not going to let that into my psyche. I'm not going to accept that into my subconscious. I'm not going to accept that. But the world has just look around. everybody wears a mask. Everybody the mask cops come up to you in the store and tell you got to put on your mask. Think about all the people that have been kicked off and permanently banned from airlines because their masks slip below their nose. Think about the kicking off people off of your
Because children, their three year old, wouldn't be obedient and wear a mask.
People are social distancing, people are driving around in their cars by themselves with a mask on. People are like, yeah, I'm gonna get the vaccine. Yep, no problem, then that way I can get back into my life, except you might lose your life. And even worse, you might lose your soul.
So a lot of people are thinking these things are temporary measures.
And that's what we were told from the beginning. Yeah, well, they weren't. When did they? When did they tell us if we only do this for 30 more days, if we only do this for 60 more days. And now, Biden, if he gets, you know, put into the office, he wants 100 days a mandatory mask, we've got 80 to 90% of the population already wearing a mask most of the time.
It's not doing anything, what's another 100 days,
that's not going to be temporary.
It's not the stuff that they're putting into airplanes are actually building airplanes to accommodate masks and social distancing with the little cubicles around you. There are I mean, I've already seen them already seen putting pictures of my travel magazines that the middle seat in an in an airplane is facing the opposite direction. so that you can, you know, you could have the space between and, and you can put Plexiglas so that you don't touch anybody. We're moving to a cashless society, they've been aiming towards that for a long time, because it's that dirty money. Now, you know, the coins and the paper that's actually spreading the virus. And they want to move us into bitcoin, and then all these other types of currencies that they can crash like that.
It's not going to be temporary.
I'm hoping unless temporary, unless you define temporary is 20 or 30 years, until we realize that the whole world is is isn't gonna work. And it completely implodes. And there's nothing left. There's no middle class, there's no ability to travel, there's no, there's no anything. There's no food they're already talking about, about manipulating the food supply. And I think they're kind of getting us used to this. I don't know if you've been to a grocery store lately. But, you know, you can see there's less stocking on the shelves, there's things that are that are on backorder. And the one grocery store where I shop, they've taken out an entire middle aisle of shelving, and put things in there like jumping jungle gym, sort of plastic thing and stuff like that. I do think that one of the good things that's going to come out and one of the good things that's come out of all of this is more people, the more people that are aware of it, the more likely people are to revolt. And not just rollover, I think the other thing that's going to come out of it is I think that we're going to start seeing a pretty aggressive underground are going to see people starting to gather in their homes, you know, even if they have to walk there, so their cars aren't together, we have people gathering together and talking about what are we going to do? How are we going to survive? How are we going to share food and shelter and clothing and water and money and medicine? How are we going to survive this? I think we're gonna see more communities that are doing that I am, I already saw somebody here in Northeast Ohio, that they were starting a group of people that the first thing that they just wanted to know, does anybody know where where we can go and take our kids to have a play day so they can go back and play the way they used to and not have on masks and do jungle gym and all this other stuff. And then that suddenly exploded? And people were like asking questions like Where can I go to a restaurant where I'm not like, hounded by a mask? And is there any place I can shop where I don't have to wear a mask at social distance? And I think there's going to be a quiet underground that's going to be developing of the people that think for themselves, you know, the left leaning people and the people that are like, yeah, socialism. What their full steam ahead is, is that they are, they're being told what to do in their obeying. They wear the mask, they put the mask on while they're walking the dog, they wear the mask when they're alone by themselves in a car, they believe that the virus is going to kill them. They bought the Kool Aid Kool Aid completely.
So those sort of people are told what to think what I'm asking people to do. And what we're just saying to everybody else is please just think,
think, think about how ludicrous This is how they keep making up the rules as they go along. Think about the devastation that they've caused, and just eight months, think about how you've agreed to be obedient, and what are you going to do to resist? You know, I tell people the time that you start thinking about vaccines and whether or not you're going to vaccinate your kids is not when you're in labor
you know, you can't you know, you're not when you're in labor, you know, you're not when you go what Hepatitis B and what, we're going to get back my word. It's not the time to start thinking about whether or not you're going to vaccinate your kids is when you're in labor when they're first born. You need to have given that nine
On some thought and investigation, well, the same thing with when the contact tracers show up at your door knock, and they want to have you tested or they want to have you vaccinated. I think you should have a plan. How are you going to respond to that? in your household, with your family with your next door neighbors, know who your tribe is? know who you can trust? What would you do in that situation? Well, the first and foremost thing is do not let them cross the foot the door? Absolutely Don't let them in, under any circumstances, you know.
But you need to, you need to have a response, you need to know how you're going to respond to that?
And does it? Does it take some courage to overcome your fears? Absolutely. I mean, the first thing if you if you could get your head around the fact that what is fear, false evidence made to appear real, which is every element of this COVID nonsense, the masks the fraud of the testing, the social distancing, the vaccines, the virus itself, all of these things are all fraud, that they have pushed on you through the element of fear.
And if you're a Christian, and if you believe in God, and you believe that when you die, you're there's a spiritual place where your spirit is gonna go, like afraid of
most people would say they're afraid to die. Well, then maybe to get your life right with God.
And does your does your faith help you through this? Absolutely.
Absolutely. trust, trust, trust that God knows what he's doing. And he'd been right in the middle of this this whole year. I've been on the front bow of it. I feel like sometimes that, that there's a handful of us, there's maybe 10 of us that are it's like we're the icebreakers going through the Arctic. And we've been strapped on the bow we've been like hammered right on the front of it all the way through. Absolutely. I mean, since it started in March, I mean, I've done over 180 interviews since April. And to put that in context, I usually do about 35 a year. So I've done 180 and eight months. So yeah, day in and day out, because I want people to wake up, I want people to stop rolling up their sleeves, I want them to rip up their stupid masks, stop being obedient, refuse to be a slave, we are volunteering our bodies, our minds into servitude and slavery over a cold virus.
And when you think about it like that, what we've done, what we've allowed them to do to us because we didn't resist.
That is the that's the discouraging part to me when I first noticed, you know, because I got really into the mask thing back about August and September. Because I felt like if people really understood the myth of the mask, that the only thing the mask is doing is making the person who's wearing the mask unwell. So only thing it's doing, it's not protecting anybody. It's not anything. It's if I went down that rabbit hole really hard, because I said, if if we can't get people to refuse to wear a mask,
because they understand it's just harming them and not protecting anybody, then we're never going to get people to refuse this nefarious vaccine.
That's kind of scary. And when I saw the whole world roll over and mask up, I just couldn't believe it. How did that happen so quickly, in a matter of weeks? Well, if they can do that to us in just a matter of weeks, what else are you willing to let them do to you in a matter of a couple more months?
And what's their motivation? You think? control, power d population ownership?
The whole world? You know, back in the day when there was like real war, I'd say World War Two.
Now people could leave. And people could leave with just no money, no anything just with the shirt on their back. And they could go to South America or India or Africa or someplace where they weren't literally dropping bombs on your head. Where can we go here? They've done the entire world at the same time. You know, it's everywhere you go, it's the same, we're worse than in the United States. So, I mean, we it's interesting that we really are now living in a prison planet. You know, for years, everybody laughed at Alex Jones and said he was just a crazy conspiracy theorists. But now that we literally have been imprisoned, voluntarily, we agreed to do it
and become a prisoner on our own planet.
Look around and you really want this you really think this is going to get any better in the next four to five years. Because everybody so voluntarily and easily, I mean easily just rolled over, just rolled over.
when the closing thoughts you have on all this? Well, it's like I said, from the beginning, when I started doing all of these talks, I said, you know, you know, there's some things that you can do while you're in this lockdown place. I mean, for one thing, get your physical house in order, clean out your closets, get rid of your skinny clothes, you're never going to be able to wear again, you know, get rid of stuff junk that you just saved, because one of these days, I'm going to do something with it. No, you're not just throw it up, get rid of it, clean out your house, your paint your bathroom, you know, remodel your kitchen, something that that makes you feel good about the space that you're in, and then take better care of your body, try to get some more sleep, you know, a lot of people have gained weight during this, they call it the COVID 15. While do your best to try to get that weight car back off, try to add some normalcy in terms of food and exercise. Take care of your mind. I mean, everybody has a stack of books sitting around their house somewhere that they always wish they had time to read, we'll take the time to read them, have the personal conversations with your spouse or your or your significant other in your children in your parents that you haven't had for a long time because everybody's so busy Jason Jason Jason stuff, now your home, have for real legitimate, down to earth from the heart conversations. And then thirdly, and most so that's take care of your the house you live in, take care of your physical house, your body. And thirdly, most importantly, get right with God, get right with God at from your very, very core. And as a Christian, I would say get right with have with, with your relationship with what Jesus Christ is in your life. You know, that's where I think the rubber meets the road. And that if the world continues to get darker and more dismal, well, then that's a pretty good recipe, you know, your house, your body, your mind and your and your really your spiritual relationship with God. And if suddenly some miraculous thing happens that it turns around and it gets better we find like the country we can all migrate to, and have like the happy ever laughter life? Well, that it's still a pretty good recipe, right? you've cleaned out your house, you've taken care of your body and mind and you got your relationship right with God. So I think that those are things that you you have control over. Those are things that you can physically do and feel like you're empowered to a certain degree that something that you physically can touch and do things with, and is doing from the inside of your own home and not being dictated to and controlled from the outside?
What does it take to know yourself?
Well, I guess you have to answer the question, Who am I? Who am I? Who do I represent? What are my core values? I mean, what are things that are important to me, in terms of core values? You know, we don't do a lot of introspective thinking anymore. In fact, we barely even think, you know, but if you you ask the question, Who am I? What do I stand for? If you know when I die, and I go to in stand in front of my maker, do I want my maker, I want my maker to say well done good and faithful servant, you follow through to the very end, you did things with high integrity, you know, you, you loved your neighbor as yourself, you did things that were generous from your heart, you tried to take care of people to the best of your ability, you know, you you tried to make some sort of a contribution to humans or animals or nature or something that improved and bettered life.
And if you can live from that space, and live from the place of faith and trust and and know who you are, then what do you have to be afraid of? Let go of the fear. Like if we could just let go of the fear and you know, it's like, it's like saying, don't think about the pink elephant in the living room. Whether you want to think about is the big elephant, right? Well, in order to let go of the fear, you have to replace it with something fair. Like for example, faith and fear cannot live in the same place. If you're living by faith, you can't live you can't have fear is sort of like light and dark. You have a dark room. All it takes is one little tea candle to light up the entire room. One little tea candle. So dark and light can exist in the same space. So you know, fear has to be replaced with something confidence. Understanding you've been lied to getting a grip with the fact that you were sold a bill of goods and just like a whole bunch of other people. So forgive yourself for it and say no
Gotta go forth and do better. I'm not going to buy this anymore. I'm going to do, I'm going to change my way. And I'm going to channel whatever anger and frustration I feel about that, channel it into something positive, do something good with it. Take that anger, energy, and make Be the change in the world that you want to be.
Great. Well, thank you. Sorry. Thank you so much. Thank you so much.
We can go this way.
So a lot of your
your patients
similar mindset or Yep, yeah. Split. They all want to talk about when they
end that my east, my patients who are Eastern European immigrants, oh, my goodness, they spend the first 15 minutes being so angry and yelling, what is wrong with you? What is wrong with Americans? I left Russia, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia, to come to a free country. What's wrong with you? Why are you wanting to go back to that you have no idea. The napalm you're calling it in your head. And then after they bent to get all that out, they spend the next thing next 15 minutes crying.
So how many of those experiences we had this year?
countless. And if it's not them that you know the person themselves, they're telling me stories about their grandmother or their grandfather sharing the same thing of what I just said, What's wrong with you? Americans? What are you? What are you doing? You have no idea. There has not been a physical war on this soil in the United States of America, really, since the Civil War. I mean, you could count maybe 911. But technically, that really, you know, it was just the buildings coming down in New York City. We didn't carpet bomb the whole rest of this country. I have no idea. We banter around this thing about civil war. When Americans start shooting Americans, they really have one. And we're shooting each other over a political ideology.
It's a pity. It's stupid. It's like there's nothing left. And I'm so concerned about
were the laughingstock of the world right now. We couldn't maintain our own elections, we should we had demonstrated documented fraud, and the court system doesn't want to hear it. Congress said No way. The Supreme Court said y'all will listen to it after the inauguration. How can we ever have standing and status as a world power ever again, that we can go to NATO? Or we can go to other countries? and have those people want to come here? Why will people want to come here? Because we've just lowered ourselves to third world country status.
How are we ever going to be respected again?
It's very sad to me, makes me very sad.
Tasha Stone said in an interview I did with him a couple weeks ago. He said, you know, everybody talks about the 1%. He said, But really, it's it's what he said, Really, it's the 1% of the 1% of the 1%. He said the number of people who really control every element of the entire world, whether it's money, medicine, whatever. He said, The group is small enough that I could I could stand them all over there in my garden, we could have dinner together. So it's in somebody did the math like 1% of 1% 1% is like 230 people, which is probably about right. Yeah. And when you think about who are the main members at the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, and, and the we foreign people, you know, the World Economic Forum, you know, a couple 100 people, the the Davos crowd of billionaires, you know, those the Davos billionaires it's, it's probably about right. Yeah. Yeah. So your focuses a lot on vitamins. Well, that's that's about a third of our business. Yeah. One of the other two thirds of patients, same patients in the various things we do. We do allergy treatments, we do osteopathic manipulation, acupuncture, chiropractic, we do breast thermography. homeopathy, we have a pediatrician so she sees the kids. We do bioidentical hormones later
Nutrition, a lot of stuff with nutrition lifestyle.
Coaching stuff. Yeah.
I put a patient sent me this. This is I think in Chile. I just think that just it's just the coolest little picture. She actually took the picture and framed it and send it to me.
And that one and this one. And this.
No, not this one over here.
These pictures my mom painted
these rows. These are pictures from old National Geographics. And so she she liked she painted those. I like that.
And then she did these pictures in here. Which I like a lot.
She did this is your mom? Yeah.
Yep. So well, thank you for your time. Oh, yeah, you're welcome.
You definitely need to
I think get your mind off this stuff.