Hello again Ladies and gentlemen, Michael Mathur renda. tv and this is the follow up as a new show where we are going to take a closer look at just one point from our latest editor's desk the point that a number of you had questions about, in this case, it's a situation here in Minneapolis, Minnesota, which is not good. But which could become a model for cities all across this country. If old Uncle Joe Biden continues with these ridiculous policies of his just understand what you see in a minute, Minneapolis is what they're trying to do across our country. Misery is a political strategy for the left. So tonight, I want to turn the tables just a little bit turn the tables on the far left. I know, I know. We're all sick and tired of being on defense all the time. So let's just turn this round a little bit. And let's ask a question. Since minority communities mostly black and Hispanic are hit hardest by these lockdowns? Is there maybe a racial element here that should be considered one that our overlords aren't too crazy about us looking into? What do you think? I mean, think about this, liberals, they never get enough of telling the world that we conservatives now we're racist, even if we don't know we're racist, we're still racist. There's nothing we can do about it and all that well, if that's true, and I don't think it is, but if it is, let's go with him for a second here. They would be susceptible to that as well. Right? So maybe they don't even know how racist it is to lock down America's inner cities to lock people down from minority communities and communities, lower income communities, who don't have the advocates who don't have the power or the influence to do a damn thing about the lockdowns because that's what we're seeing. I live in a suburb. The lockdowns aren't nearly as hard on me as they are for the folks in the inner city. So why do they continue the way they are? I mean, even local media now here admitting that the crime spree that is Minneapolis 2020 was directly linked to the pandemic and to the lockdowns now, robbery has increased 59% and rape is up about 22% again, compared to the four year average. These numbers are released before a person was killed last night. As we mentioned earlier in the newscast and another earlier this morning in North Minneapolis. Don Samuels in North Minneapolis resident and former city council member says much of this is linked to the pandemic and the death of George Floyd. And the reality is if it hadn't been for the COVID lockdowns, we would never have heard the name George Floyd, because this was a guy who had fallen back into drug abuse and depression and lots of mental illness. After his place of employment, which I think he was he was a bouncers we're going to bar after it had been closed by the governor by the mayor due to the COVID pandemic based on science that was thoroughly untested, based on science, which now even the World Health Organization admits was disastrous. Because it made people sick. It made people poor. It made people's situation so desperate that it was worse than COVID. That's only been living under here in St. Paul Minneapolis for over a year now especially in Minneapolis. Now, people here are dying every night not from COVID. But from crime.
gunshot victims have doubled in Minneapolis this year. carjackings are surging 331% since 2019. And homicides are up 73% 78 homicides
in 2020 alone. Now I'm not talking about shootings. That's actual mortalities people who were killed by gunshots 2020 alone. Early here in 2021. Minneapolis crime stats already show a 250% increase in gunshot victims. And the vast majority of these are minorities,
14 and 11 years old, a brother and sister killed along with their mother.
Is anyone paying attention to what's happening to these people under these insane draconian lockdowns just to keep us safe. What's not keeping the people safe, who we see lying in the streets of our cities every night who are dead because of what's going on over there. What about them? Then here's the thing that you just can't help but ask Kenya. What if they were white? What if these were mostly white victims? Would Minneapolis city council still be getting away with defunding and even trying to disband the police? You know, one of the Minneapolis city council members got famous for claiming that calling the police on someone is was breaking into your house. That that's white privilege.
Mr. Burgess, good to have you here tonight. I remember seeing an interview with Lisa bender the head of that city council and she said that you know the expectation that when you call 911 and that the police would come to your aid was just sort of smacked of white privilege. What do you make of all this tonight
purchase? Well, he first of all listened to statements like that as a total lack of common sense. It makes no sense to think They're doing right now. There's no science behind the the the lockdowns what Americans want very simply is freedom, insecurity. What they want for us is riots and and lockdowns, they're getting rid of the cops and they're saying you're gonna like it. Well guess what the folks who are doing the suffering, who are getting shot who are doing the dying over there. They don't want the police disbanded.
One by one. Eight North Minneapolis residents walked out of the Hennepin County courtroom for a hearing in a lawsuit filed by the residents against the city council and Mayor demanding the city fund and employ enough police officers to patrol the street residents are hoping something is done to curb recent crime
for residents to step up and say, if you're not going to save us, we're going to demand that you save us.
So who are these supremacists, that think they get to tell the Hispanics or tell the blacks or tell the minorities you don't need cops will take care of it. They just kind of think nobody's gonna notice that they line up in front of the Federal trough to receive the bailout dollars from the government, because they need to protect the people in the most vulnerable, living through a pandemic. Oh, which by the way, has a 99.5% survival rate. So the people in the inner cities are going through this hell on earth, so that the governors and the mayors of this country can collect federal money. And no one's speaking up for these poor folks. And it starts at the top President Biden himself has promised now massive federal action against those domestic terrorists who trashed the Capitol on January 6, fine. But is it because on January 6, the folks being terrorized were mostly white folks in the Congress in the Capitol building with power and with some influence. Could that be why Biden's jumping into action now? Because what about the domestic terrorists who are tearing Minneapolis apart? Do you do the people in your community feel
Do you feel less safe than you did? Before this all started?
I do. I feel less safe. A lot of my friends I talked to and they're not feeling safe right now. And they're like, you know, with this cutting the, you know, the budget down to 8 million. They are not with that either. Neither am I. Yeah, because we need you know, we need protection here. Sure. And especially in my community, Wailea Yes.
So again, what is this, if not some form of racism, systemic racism in the Democrat Party, and they project all that racism all over us all the time. Seems to me maybe they're the ones who are doing this. Because as a conservative, what they're doing to people who can't fight back under these draconian lockdowns is sick is perverse and looks mighty racist to me. The white guys who run our city, have shut down inner city schools, brilliant Guys, get them all out of school, take the kids throw them out in the streets, see what happens. keep them safe. They've gotten rid of youth sports, they get rid of health clubs. Now gyms, heck, they even remove the basketball nets for many of the city inner city pump but you know, public parks, they went in there took the basketball nets down months ago. So the guys can't even play basketball. This is a recipe for social chaos, a recipe for disaster that these democrat loons are putting in place. Now in this case in my city. You think about our friends, many of these, many of these poor kids, they live in projects, they live in public housing, they're not in a position to fight back or stand up and do something about this. They got nothing else but some of these things like school and after school programs and, and sports and the gym and basketball in the public spots. You know, that's all they got. And it's totally been removed. And we're so shocked and scandalized that crime has gone through the roof. What are these democrats think was gonna happen when they tore out every outlet every possible outlet for release from the lives of these kids. Kids who know very well that they have a 99.9% chance of surviving COVID they're not afraid of COVID this week, Governor Walz indicated he would put sports on a pause y'all got a lot of parents and student athletes. So wait those details. The Minnesota GOP repeats re released a statement this afternoon saying that Governor Tim Walz unilateral decisions to shut down our economy again are disconcerting. They went on to say that shutting down youth sports is probably the worst decision that walls has made throughout this pandemic. Heck, now they're even masking these guys up outside. Where's the science for that everyone Fauci was saying he didn't need masks at all, unless you were a doctor or a nurse. Now they're saying you must wear a mask out in the street outside now. What do you think that does other than embolden inner city gangs and we got plenty of them in miniapp bliss, and emboldens these gangsters that cover their faces and do what they want with impunity.
surveillance video shows a group of six pile out of a car hoods up masks on, ready to commit their fourth robbery of the morning.
Friends, if somebody wanted to debus D, stabilize our country, by totally destabilizing our inner cities, this is how you do it. This is exactly how you do it. And at the same time, there's so in all this class envy and race warfare, race wars, push it all that is, well, this is a powder keg friends, it's not going away, not getting any better. And again, in terms of the crime rates, most of the victims of these crimes are from the minority communities. And this is why the minorities are the ones who are speaking out loud is against insanity, like defunding the police. Yeah, the police have to change. But we also need them desperately. And we have to realize that life is complicated like that. And we have to have an even handed approach. Otherwise, the folks who are do not have that executive function who don't have self control, they're going to then begin to take matters into their own hands. But of course, Governor Tim turned the dial Walz says he's just dialing it back to save the elderly, or dialing it up to save the elderly, locking up the restaurants and the bars. And that's all coming again, of course, because Bill Gates already is telling everybody now that he's not that everybody's herd immunity is shot to heck, of course, there's going to be another wave, of course, there's going to be another strain sort of setting this all up again. And we're gonna sit back and just wait for it to happen, I guess. Well, I'm not gonna but in any case, it's gonna happen again. And guys like walls need to protect the vulnerable in the elderly. He says that Fantastic. Well, this is the same guy that ran COVID patients through nursing homes through much of 2020. Well, the governor has been criticized for allowing hospitals to discharge patients recovering from COVID-19. Back into nursing homes. Seems like he really does want to save those elderly, doesn't he? He's really, really concerned. While he rakes in the federal dollars to do all this nonsense. You see. Okay. You want to save the elderly folks, Tim? Well, what about the young folks? Because you know what, lots of us just don't have the capacity anymore to get worked up and concerned. About 90 year olds in nursing homes, when we're watching our kids being exterminated on the streets. Because of your policies. Young people dying every night, young people out of school, young people out of work young people out of hope young people with no luck. And you're telling us you're doing all this to them to save Grandma, you lying fake? What about the rampant mental illness resulting from these lockdowns? Everybody's talking about it. Heck, the whole world's talking about it now. What about the drug and the alcohol abuse that's resulted now from the COVID force unemployment going on all over the place? What about the domestic abuse that now has gone to the levels of pandemic worldwide. People are trying to stop these maniac democrat governors, but it ain't easy. We got a good guy here in Minnesota representative Eric Mortensen. He's moved a resolution to end the peacetime emergency used to justify governor Walz is unilateral control of the entire state. And then the recent article, throw it up on the screen representative writes, quote, the effects of Governor walls is unconstitutional and immoral executive orders have rippled across the state, resulting in 1000s of businesses closing 10s of 1000s of people forced out of work and mental health issues skyrocketing. We've had months where suicide in progress calls are up over 50% and quote, read the rest of that article. And we'll put the link below. So this is what's going on here in the real world. You know, in all of this, according to Gov Tim, this is allegedly is to save the elderly who are most vulnerable to COVID. Maybe they should try following the science for a change. Because what they're doing right now is not science, the science and the doctors they know very well now a year into COVID. How to take care of the most vulnerable.
And frankly, you know, according to the scientists, the real scientists who are actually doing the research, we look at people like the Bhattacharya and group the column in the Wall Street Journal, the end of the pandemic is in grass pure, which is just vaccinate and protect the people who are high risk and everybody else can restore life back to normal. This is the the rational sensible way, we have a virus here that has a target audience, if you will of high risk. It's not true that everyone's at high risk for this virus. It's not true that for instance, children need to be locked out of in person schools. You know, the data is in it's been in for months, by the way, it's nothing new. And yet people just say the science and they don't talk about the actual data or don't know the data.
makes sense to me, doesn't it? Like keeping schools closed doesn't make any sense. Keeping schools closed is wrecking kids lives, traumatizing them in ways we haven't even begun to imagine yet. The influence the impact of this masking up little kids, I mean, little kids grow up looking at all the adults in their lives wearing masks, can't see smiles can't see humanity. We don't even know what this is going to do to the next generation if it doesn't stop really soon and things in a way things are looking up. governors, the governor of New Jersey, the governor of California now been successfully sued with respect to the cases for those who are saying open the churches right now. So that's been great the churches in the synagogues, and I'm all for that. But I think it's time now friends at these guys. These maniacs, these maniacal governors and mayors love the Democrat Party. It's time for them to be sued for another thing. They need to be sued for the wrongful death and psychological abuse of 10s of 1000s of young people. And let's get this conversation started. There are a lot of lawyers out there. There are a lot of people who are sick and tired of what's going on. Let's go on offense. You know, Minnesota just seems like it's a no brainer right next door to us. The governor of south dakota Christie. No, she never shut down or state. She's got no spiking homicide rates. Her Safe Streets are safe. You can go in any city in South Dakota. I just did it a couple of months ago with a friend of mine. Beautiful, it's paradise. The old normal is alive and well. Christy gnomes schools are open in South Dakota. And for all practical purposes, the pandemic is over in South Dakota. Well, the
pandemic is basically over in South Dakota Look how far down cases have dropped after the peak in November. And the death rate remained below comos, New York without any lockdowns at all. And like its viral caseload, South Dakota's unemployment rate has also fallen. It's now well below where it was before the pandemic. They are so annoyed by you. Why is that? And why do you have a target on your back? When it comes to the American media?
You know, Laura, I really think it's about control they have used for the last year fear to control people. And in South Dakota, we just took a very different path. We knew the science told us we couldn't stop the virus, we could slow it down and protect people who might be vulnerable and make sure we had enough hospital capacity to take care of those who would need it. But that we were going to do it together and allow people to be flexible to take care of their families and still put food on the table. So you know, that was a unique approach that for our people really worked well. We did have tragedies, and we did have losses, but we also got through it better than virtually every other state. And I think the media hates that.
And then is governor Tiny Tim out there putting politics ahead of lives or whatever he's doing. I don't know if he's a racist or not. Maybe he doesn't know he's a racist. Whatever he's doing. His policies are hard on everybody, especially the minority communities. So maybe it's that or maybe it's just his massive gross incompetence. I don't know. But the guy is more deadly than COVID-19. We're all finding that out the hard way, no matter how many times he moves his dial, you know, and he treats everybody like fourth graders, guys a piece of work. So whenever the thing is with this guy, I don't know maybe just nuts. I don't know what it is. But it needs to stop right now. For our sake for the folks in the inner cities for the minorities. for everyone. It needs to stop.
Every single night on any block in this neighborhood. You can hear gunshots every single freaking night. We are a community that is written with cry. And we are undeceive
which is why we here at random TV are joining our voice forcefully adamantly immediately to all of those who are calling upon local law firms, victims groups, families, groups, family of victims, you know to file wrongful death lawsuits against the state of Minnesota today against this out of control maniacal governor today filed lawsuits get the conversation started needing to go to war need to go on offense against these guys. If somebody doesn't stop them. They're just going to keep on going like the little Adolf Hitler's that they are, you see. And if he's guys if they don't stop the madness on their own, then we need to get in And stop it for them. We're done with defense. We are an offense. Let's remember this.
Governor Walz,
you say that you're going to save us from the COVID. Governor. We would rather die of COVID. I'm Michael mad for renda TV. See on the front line. God bless you. We'll see you next week.