Secret Societies: The Heirs of the Knights Templar - Full Documentary

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3 years
They act in the shadows, they are extremely secretive and they practise ancient rituals. Secret societies play a far larger role in our everyday lives than we are aware of. Publications like those of bestselling author Dan Brown have brought them back into the limelight. The three-part documentary, ‘Secret Societies’, accompanies historian Dr Marian Füssel on his search for clues surrounding history’s most famous secret societies and conspiracy theories.

The Freemasons are probably the secret brotherhood with the most members. Their fundamental ideals are, according to them, liberty, equality, fraternity, tolerance and humanity. However, others say that this secret society has very different goals, namely political power. This is mainly because of the self-imposed secrecy that was exploited in the past by criminal elements. Terra X investigates the history of the Freemasons back to its origins.

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