Mystery of the Da Vinci Code and the Templars - Full Documentary HD

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3 years
One of the great mysteries of Leonardo Da Vinci and contentious conspiracy theory discussion points about the Knights Templar is whether the order was established by an already existing secret society called the Priory of Sion. This forms the basis of the story behind Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code. The story goes that the priory was formed to protect the sacred ancestral line of Jesus Christ from the Catholic church, which feared the threat to its power and the terrible truth that would totally undermine the papacy’s authority and fabulous wealth.

The Messiah had conceived at least one child with Mary Magdalene, who had fled to France after Jesus was put on the cross. Her descendants were the Merovingian kings overthrown in the eighth century CE who ruled over a large part of modern France, Germany and Switzerland.

The priory’s aim was to reinstate the dynasty and establish a Christian theocracy over Europe ruled by the descendants of Jesus. The Knights Templar had been formed by the priory to achieve this objective, whatever the official reasons given for their creation.

Subsequent centuries had seen a secret battle played out between different forces including the priory, the Templars, the church and Freemasons. They were fighting and scheming for control of the Holy Grail. But what exactly was the Grail? A physical object like a cup used at the Last Supper or the ancestral line of Jesus Christ? The so-called Sang Real?

This is all of course discounted by mainstream medieval historians as hokum. The history of the Knights Templar, in their view, does not require additional layers of fantasy to be fascinating. The Priory of Sion is utter nonsense invented by con artists and spread by the credulous. Well, below, we’re going to examine the case for the existence of the Priory of Sion and the case for the prosecution.

The Da Vinci Connection
Passed from one Priory of Sion grand master to another, the novel suggests that the San Greal documents eventually fall into the hands of Leonardo Da Vinci, a brilliant thinker of his day and a supposed grand master of the Priory of Sion. The novel asserts that Da Vinci incorporated codes into his paintings regarding the Mary Magdeline secret. Brown imagines that the figure to Jesus’ right in Da Vinci’s Last Supper masterpiece is actually Jesus’ wife, Mary Magdeline.

This story involves Secret Societies, Illuminati, Freemasons, Templars.