The Peoples Temple & Jonestown Massacre (Archive Footage)

Conspyre Photo

3 years

This is Archive Footage of the Peoples Temple leading up to the Jonestown Massacre Viewer Discretion Is Advise This video is for Educational Purposes Only.
"Jonestown: The Peoples Temple Agricultural Project, better known by its informal name "Jonestown", was a remote settlement established by the Peoples Temple, a cult under the leadership of Jim Jones, in Guayana Esequiba, a disputed territory in northwestern Guyana claimed by Venezuela.
It became internationally known when, on November 18, 1978, a total of 918 people died at the settlement, at the nearby airstrip in Port Kaituma, and at a Temple-run building in Georgetown, Guyana's capital city. The name of the settlement became synonymous with the incidents at those locations.
Terms used to describe the deaths in Jonestown and Georgetown evolved over time. Many contemporary media accounts after the events called the deaths a mass suicide. In contrast, most sources today refer to the deaths with terms such as mass murder-suicide, a massacre, or simply mass murder"