Operation Mockingbird: William Colby, CIA & Pike Committee (1975)

Gottleib Photo

50 years

A very intriguing historical document about the controlling grip of the CIA over media and the spreading of propaganda.

The Infamous "Heart Attack Gun" - DCI William Colby, the CIA & the Church Committee Hearing (1975)

Astroturf, the Contemporary Mockingbird:
Astroturf & Manipulation in Media - the Contemporary Mockingbird (TEDx Sharyl Attkisson, 2015)

Fake News:
FAKE NEWS (WARNING - This Video May Shatter Illusions)

How Alex Jones was replaced by the CIA agent Bill Hicks - Beware Controlled Opposition!:
Bill Hicks impersonating Alex Jones - Beware Controlled Opposition!

Further crimes of the complicit CIA:
Jonestown Exposed - the CIA, MKUltra and Propaganda

The MENA Connection - Corruption, Drugs, Weapons and Money Laundering (1995):
The MENA Connection (govt, drugs, corruption, murder)

America Divided - Presidential Secrets: Assassinations, Blackmail Strategies & Drug Trade:
America Divided - Presidential Secrets: Assassinations, Blackmail Strategies & Drug Trade by the CIA

The CIA, Congress and the Press (Alternative Views, 1987):
The CIA, Congress and the Press (Alternative Views, 1987)

Franklin Cover-Up / Conspiracy of Silence, pulled/banned documentary from the 90s initially planned for MSM:
DeCamp, John W. - The Franklin Cover-Up, Child Abuse Satanism and Murder in Nebraska 2nd (1996)

Boys for Sale - scandals regarding VIPedophiles reported initially in the mainstream, followed by dead silence (1981):
Boys For Sale (1981 Forgotten Documentary)

Former FBI veteran Gunderson about the plan that spans centuries:

Part one:  Pawns in the Game - the Illuminati Conspiracy (Ted Gunderson Chronicles 1/2, ~96/97)

Part two:  Pawns in the Game - the Illuminati Conspiracy (Ted Gunderson Chronicles 2/2, ~96/97)