The CIA, Congress and the Press (Alternative Views, 1987)

Gottleib Photo

38 years

A documentary is presented in which former CIA employees and
other people who have written about the CIA tell of the extent of
penetration of the mass media by the CIA and how the media are
used by that agency to manipulate public opinion. CIA


Boys for Sale - scandals regarding VIPedophiles reported initially in the mainstream, followed by dead silence (Alternative Views, 1981):
Boys For Sale (1981 Forgotten Documentary)

Astroturf, the Contemporary Mockingbird:

How Alex Jones was replaced by the CIA agent Bill Hicks - Beware Controlled Opposition!

Further crimes of the complicit CIA:
Jonestown Exposed - the CIA, MKUltra and Propaganda

The MENA Connection (govt, drugs, corruption, murder) (1995)

America Divided - Presidential Secrets: Assassinations, Blackmail Strategies & Drug Trade by the CIA 

The Men Behind the Curtain Exposed - the Hidden Hand Fooled Us for A Very Long Time

Former FBI veteran Gunderson about the plan that spans centuries:
Pawns in the Game - the Illuminati Conspiracy (Ted Gunderson Chronicles 2/2, ~96/97)
Pawns in the Game - the Illuminati Conspiracy (Ted Gunderson Chronicles 1/2, ~96/97)