Dutroux scandal - what happens to witnesses? (German documentary, English subs): Dutroux and the Dead Witnesses - English dubbed German Documentary (ZDF, 2004)
WARNING: VERY GRAPHIC! - Another witness establishing an international link regarding a paedophile network involving Dutroux: The Dire Truth: Abused Children, Tormented Souls (n24, 2003) - LOOK INTO DESCRIPTION BOX!
The X Dossiers - from Dutroux to Zandfoort, no justice served: The X Dossiers - Complete - English dubbed Dutch Documentary (Zembla, 11. & 18. March 2004)
Zandfoort CD-ROM, one of the biggest European scandals, and most people never even heard of it (French documentary, English subs): File of Shame - Zandvoort (French documentary with English subs - 13�me RUE, 2010)
UK Parliament infested with Paedophiles, even Mainstream has to admit:
Kincora Boys Home - UK VIPaedophile ring: Kincora Boys Home - VIP paedophile ring - Richard Kerr (Channel4 - 1/2) Kincora Boys Home - VIP paedophile ring - C. Massey, G. Hoy & R. Kerr (Channel4 - 2/2)
Nightmares at Elm Guest House (UK): Nightmares at Elm Guest House (Bill Maloney, 2013)
NOTHING HAS CHANGED - Dutch Injustice System - When Child Traffickers Rule A Nation: Dutch Injustice System - When Child Trafficers Rule A Nation
Franklin Cover-Up, pulled documentary originally made for MSM: Conspiracy of Silence - Pedophiles In High Places (Discovery Channel)
Pizzagate is unfortunately real! Outstanding Pizzagate Documentary (2017)
Podesta's "art": To keep in mind - Podesta art collection / damit niemand vergisst - Podesta Kunstsammlung
Clinton's hench(wo)man kidnapping 33 children: Laura Silsby et alii caught, attempted Abduction/Kidnapping of Children (CNN 2010) Haitian Police detained a group of Americans on suspicion of trying to take children out (AP)
Boys for Sale - media reports, then silence regarding big Scandals: Boys For Sale (1981 Forgotten Documentary)
The Men Behind the Curtain Exposed: The Men Behind the Curtain Exposed - the Hidden Hand Fooled Us for A Very Long Time
Whom do they Worship? Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony: Whom do they Worship? Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony, full + Prelude (1. June 2016)
FBI veteran Gunderson about the agendas that span centuries: Part one: Pawns in the Game - the Illuminati Conspiracy (Ted Gunderson Chronicles 1/2, ~96/97) Part two: Pawns in the Game - the Illuminati Conspiracy (Ted Gunderson Chronicles 2/2, ~96/97)