Forces occultes (Occult Forces - subtitled The mysteries of Freemasonry unveiled for the first time on the screen) is a French film of 1943, notable as the last film to be directed by Paul Riche (the pseudonym of Jean Mamy). The film recounts the life of a young member of parliament who joins the Freemasons in order to relaunch his career. He thus learns of how the Freemasons are conspiring with the Jews and the Anglo-American nations to encourage France into a war against Germany.
The film was commissioned in 1942 by the Propaganda Abteilung, a delegation of Nazi Germany's propaganda ministry within occupied France by the ex-Mason Mamy. It virulently denounces Freemasonry, parliamentarianism, and Jews as part of Vichy's drive against them and seeks to prove a Jewish-Masonic plot.
On France's liberation, its writer Jean Marqu�s-Rivi�re, its producer Robert Muzard, and its director Jean Mamy were purged for collaboration with the enemy. On 25 November 1945, Muzard was condemned to 3 years in prison and Marqu�s-Rivi�re was condemned in his absence (he had gone into self-imposed exile) to death and degradation.
Mamy had also been a journalist on L'Appel under Pierre Constantini (leader of the Ligue fran�aise d��puration, d�entraide sociale et de collaboration europ�enne) and on the collaborationist journal Au pilori, and was thus condemned to death and executed at the fortress of Montrouge on 29 March 1949.
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