Veritas Photo

3 years
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David Blessing’s testimony details the terrible things he was forced to suffer at the hands of members of his church and community in Minneapolis, Minnesota, unbeknownst to his family. Beginning in 1964 when he was just six years old, David was forced to take part in a satanic ceremony, where he was the subject of drugging, dissociation, verbal, physical and sexual abuse, and was also forced to witness the brutal murder of another child in order to ensure his silence.

David remembered nothing of this nor other events until at 46, through counselling, memories began to return, memories that would begin to explain his lifelong sense of hopelessness, fear and angst, and his inability to maintain relationships or employment.

Through meditation, clean living and counselling David has been able to get his life back on track. His testimony echoes the horrors of so many who are increasingly finding the courage to come forth and tell their stories with the understanding that only through shedding the light of truth can humanity ever truly thrive.

His testimony was heard via a virtual sitting of the ITNJ’s Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking
& Child Sex Abuse on 1st August, 2018, before Judge-Advocate, Dr. Chris Cleverely, Commissioner-Criminologist Carine Hutsebaut, and ITNJ Trustees Reverend Dr. Nancy Ash and Connie Broussard.

Through its Judicial Commission of Inquiry the ITNJ is performing a prime function for the global exposure and illumination of ongoing human atrocities by creating a seminal platform for exposure whilst allowing natural justice to emerge.
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