The amazing, disappearing holographic Pope!
9/18/19 The Legion of Dumb (DNC)
OPRAH: Satanic Cult Murders (1989)
This footage so scares them,
Rumsfeld Admits 2.3 Trillion Missing from Pentagon Day Before 9/11
Jacinda Ardern Crotch incident
George Bush accidentally condemns invasion of Iraq in Freudian slip
Actor Ricardo Montalbán on abortion
Obama discussing your rights
Bob Saget Raped and Killed a Girl in 1990!
Oprah Winfrey justifying child molestation
Compilation of Biden groping on everything he can get his hands on 🤮
Joe Biden Brags About Withholding Ukraine Aid in Council on Foreign Relations
Rockefeller's 1991 Speech
Covid Vaccines do contain Fetal Cells! This is how to refuse!
Florida controlled demolition of Champlain Towers