For all the people who somehow think that something in the government has changed because of the election, this is your WAKE UP CALL! Before you dismiss this film as some sort of conspiracy nonsense, I challenge you to DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH on the topics covered! Its time to WAKE UP!
Topics Covered: The New World Order, Federal Reserve, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council On Foreign Relations, North American Union, The Rockefeller / Rothschild Families, Freemasonry, Bohemian Grove, The Illuminati, Illuminati Symbolism, Problem Reaction Solution, 9/11, War Profiteering, The Phony 'War On Terrorism', The Impending 'Big Brother Surveillance Society', The War On Civil Liberties, Microchipping, Mind Control, Media Control And 'Education System' Indoctrination.
Featuring: Alex Jones, David Icke, Aaron Russo, Jordan Maxwell, G Edward Griffin, Jim Marrs, Bill Hicks, Daniel Estulin, Jim Tucker, Ted Gunderson, Anthony Hilder, Professor Steven Jones, Webster Tarpley, George Carlin, John Taylor Gatto, Charlotte Iserbyt, Dave VonKleist, Stan Monteith and others! Please spread the word as much as you can!
Compiled / Edited By John Nada
This film has been uploaded to YouTube / Google for non-profit educational purposes only as aloud per sections 107 through 118 of US copyright law (Title 17 US Code) and is not meant in any form to infringe on anyone's copyright.
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Out of Shadows is a film that attempts to lift the mask on how the mainstream media and Hollywood try to manipulate and control the masses by spreading propaganda via their platform. Released on YouTube in early April 2020, this film gained over a million views within its first 24 hours after being released, it is currently clocking in at just over thirteen million views which means people are certainly taking notice.
Right from the get-go we hear from Hollywood stunt actor Mike Smith, as he speaks on his experience working on the inside. The message is clear and the film literally aims to “wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to and brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agendaâ€. Some of the ideas and theories touched on throughout the film are at times hard to hear. They reference cannibalism-themed Hollywood dinners, trafficking of children in Hollywood, and child abuse as entertainment during Hollywood events.
You might at first be quick to brush some of these claims off but a lot of the points raised in the film do indeed hold weight. Recently we have seen that there’s a lot of politics involved in Hollywood today, from leaked emailsbetween Sony Pictures’ executives and government officials to Harvey Weinstein, who was a large contributor to Hilary Clinton’s Presidential campaign and just take one look at the villains in their movies, they are nearly always portrayed to be Russians, Germans, etc. America will never be presented as the villain.
"Ayahuasca and the Path of the Shaman" is a 96 minute documentary that investigates the healing properties of the Peruvian Plant Medicine, Ayahuasca. Driven by a need to heal from his own depression, Dave, travels from his home outside Vancouver, Canada, to Peru in search of this spiritual plant, where he eventually is taught by a Shipibo Master how to work with it. The film's narrative unfolds through a series of storylines: We follow Shannan, as she begins her journey with Dave and this strange medicine, uncovering child-hood trauma buried deep inside her sub-conscious. We hear from Lisa, who has recovered from a heroin and crack addiction that she suffered while working as a prostitute in the streets of Toronto. We also hear from her doctor, Gabor Mate, whom through talk therapy, helps participants uncover how their experiences with Ayahuasca relate to their daily lives. And we also hear from Libby. Who starts her journey with this plant by leaving a suicide message on her phone that thankfully never gets delivered. Thanks to the help of Gabor, Dave, and this incredible Plant.
What if I were to tell you that a small group of government contractors were hired by government officials to frame the Trump campaign set him up for the Russia collusion investigation, provided witnesses for the impeachment hearings and provided administrative support services to the Department of Justice during the Mueller investigation. And one of the just so happened that this same group of contractors are behind the fake news in mainstream media influence operations on social media and the civil unrest nationwide, pushing the defund the police movement. The Obama gate scandal only scratches the surface. You mentioned shock value that is shocking what the Russians did I agree we need to stop it. I know that now based on the horror which I'm not saying that you lied to the court, I'm saying you signed something that was a lie and you didn't know it. Talk about a cover story. What really happened is much more alarming. Both parties are equally guilty of covering up what should turn out to be an even bigger scandal, Shadow gate. The tactical and operational role the shadow government played behind the scenes carrying out the coup against President Trump. We're going to be looking behind the puppets at who the real puppet master string pullers are. The material presented in this documentary should concern people of all political affiliations. This is about real players, people whose names never come up, but should career politicians are definitely part of the Beltway swamp, even aspects of the deep state, but they are not the shadow government. The Shadow Government consists of government contractors, defense, intelligence, security, and so on. Our government mostly consists of front facing desk jockeys that are compartmentalised in cubicles there to cover up for the fact that most of the real work is outsourced to contractors, aka the military industrial complex. That way what the public sees through FOIA requests, investigations, congressional hearings or otherwise, is as clean as a whistle. All the dirty work is kept private with contractors in clandestine networks. These contractors have used their connections, power and influence to create an unprecedented international criminal enterprise where blackmail is traded, and people's personal data is gold
to whistleblowers Tory and Patrick burgi, who both worked extensively within the shadow government, as contractors have come forward with revelations that may be part of the biggest whistleblowing event to date. I'm one of 1000s, faceless, patriotic Americans that work within the shadows, had been doing that for a very long time, people that worked for john brennan approached me while I was in my specialist training. While I was in the Navy. When I was recruited, it was for electronic warfare, then I ended up in information warfare. And ironically, the base that I first went to for electronic warfare is now information warfare.
My job for a company called analogy, which was owned by Obama's National Security Adviser General James Jones, and I answer directly to his son. I worked for them for about eight years, from like 2007 to 2010. My focus was primarily in the development on a couple different contracts for the Department of Defense for the development of the capabilities for interactive internet activities, being something that helps support CNO which is computer network operations, hacking and different things like that. And information operations, which would be your actual influence operations, right? It's a supporting application that really, it's kind of like a Microsoft Project, right? Which allows you to manage large projects like enterprise level projects, but instead of like managing the building of the
The construction of a 14 story building. It's managing the most, you know,
malevolent operations that you could imagine. I was a contractor for various intelligence agencies that were privately created. So they were private contracting agencies. Because
unlike what most people think our intelligence doesn't stay within our borders, or within federal buildings. The shatter net was the commercial version of a and II a weapon. Ay ay ay ay being interactive in activities. That's the military nomenclature. For what basically you've heard as being described for the last three or four years with all the fake news and
the the fake news journalists and fake stories fake dossier, all these things are
attributes and characteristics of of IIA, which is social media psychological warfare. We began that really in 2007, when right after the policy guidelines first came out, we were on one of the first contracts with God that I'm aware of trying to help for Psychological Operations Group understand how to go from dropping flyers from plains,
to a more micro targeted social media psychological warfare application where you could select an individual target, or a group, Target or entire country, if you wanted to, what I did was something called localization, or el tenon. So a localization strategy is you find a group of people that could be a whole country, a city,
a certain religious group, you know, six block radius, like Chaz, and you kind of try to get in their mind you have to understand how the, how they walk, how they talk, what they like, what pushes their buttons, what drives them nuts, what upsets them, what makes them happy. And then you use that to your advantage, to push whatever ideology or product or direction you want them to go. Marrying together cultural appropriation, language, nuances of the demographic that you are targeting, or the nation you're targeting it pries into your demographic your world. So if I want to blackmail you and put you under my thumb, not only will I know everything, but I will know your deepest, darkest fears. I will know people I can get in contact to find out more about you. Maybe you had like an old hockey injury. So if I wanted to attack you, I'd know where to hitch. Do you understand enough about someone in you can hack their shadow, right? You can use you can you can use their fears, you can use their anxieties,
sound anything like pandemics that you recognize here? Oh, yeah, definitely. So you can use those things to help reflexively control or influence a target an individual or whoever it is right or a group of people or an entire election entire country. What Patrick burgie created was
a program that was based off of the strategies that we used in person. It was a psychological operation. But that crunches data with the use of psychological operations, so you can predict how your target will respond. You know, I spent like seven years overseas, right several years, a couple of those years were specifically related to ay ay. so I understood certain things when we hijack the Afghan elections. How did we do that we had to understand how the Afghans think we had to go to the areas that were anti Taliban, because the Taliban political group was now more militant than it was political, we use that to our advantage, and formulated a plan where we would sway their thoughts to believe that XYZ candidate is the way to go because then you won't get robbed, and we'll team the Taliban. So it but we had to do it in their way. So he created the algorithm that does that for you. When we were largely doing this it was done by analysts. Now this is more done automated through artificial intelligence, which is just a common iteration of the
program or application development process. The database component ends up allowing you to build behavioral profiles on individual targets, right. And through those behavioral profiles, you can develop or, or implement reflexive control, which allows you to understand with enough information about someone
You can predictably determine how they're going to react i is really good at what I did.
Really good. And I can still do it too. I'm not doing it now, though.
Don't be doing that sorry.
But um, I help them train algorithms with the strategies that I had created all these years. They asked us to bring the application to classified network.
But Jim sent him a bogus, just a made up ridiculous bid to actually do that. Because if it went on a classified network, we can turn around and sell it commercially. We went on after that to another contract in Tampa took everything with us for psychological operations group had no idea that we were going to be taken there years worth of work that they paid us to do, taxpayers paid us to do. And we kept the intellectual property rights to it, and
remarketed it and branded it commercially as the shadow. So I come back here, and I see these guys back here in America, have just been having a field day, utilizing the technology that we've been developing to alter the outcomes of our elections. In America, this technology was so successful, they couldn't resist the temptation to not use it commercially, and have the power to affect outcomes of elections at home, the commercial and black market value of such a technology is in calculable. This is the
mobile mega shatter net mobiel.
My laptop sits in here. And then I got two 4k capture cards, I can do
BTC. And this charges, all camera equipment.
So while I'm writing,
and total, I'm getting as much as 40. And these are the same cases that we used to build out. Our skips are SC two IPS, which is a small command and control over IP. And when I was working with JC SC,
we would take these cases and build out networks. This is a small command and control over IP,
just only running on one unclassified network, sim enabled Wi Fi router. And if I get decent cell connection, now I can run the multiple cameras. And I can put multiple images in one screen, and I can run all that from my cell phone that I have mounted here.
The group of whistleblowers from the NSA and other classified data collection agencies referred to as the global surveillance whistleblowers were used as a vector to legalize what was then illegal dragnet spying on everyone. 24 seven, the NSA and its former head general Hayden declined to comment for this story. The Pfizer Amendment Act of 2008 had section 702 that permitted the government to spy on citizens with a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. The NSA data system collects everything through what's called the upstream where everything is stored for 72 hours then dumped. However, if one could twin this stream of data, they could privatized it. Imagine what you could do with that. Tory alleges that she worked for john brennan at the analysis Corporation and global strategies group. What is the analysis Corporation? It is a company that does a lot of things very from administrative work to analyses to data collection biometric collection. I mean, whatever contract they've been awarded by the government they do could be something as simple as janitor duties. In case you miss the Secretary's words upstairs, she reached out to Senator Obama that to say that she was sorry that this had happened. that there were these unauthorized unauthorized accesses to his passport files one incident this past summer, where there was a trainee in the passport office, who had an unauthorized access of Senator Clinton's passport file. Now, in the case of Senator McCain, we detected earlier this year, one of the same people
who accessed senator Obama's passport file also accessed Senator McCain's passport file. This is the same individual who was disciplined, but at this point in time still remains working with the contractor. She claims to be the actual person who moved the electronic files at Stanley Inc and
CGI in 2008, which publicly was falsely alleged to be a hack? What can you tell us about the CGI Stanley passport incident? See Brendan has a certain Mo, okay? When he wants to get something, he pretends there's a hack. So I was asked when I was stateside, Hey, would you go by that office and pull all this data from the State Department? And I said, Of course I will. I put it on two rugged drives. Here. They were like the orange tips really big, you know, drives, and I've put it on there. And then
later, it's like, oh, they were hacked. And I'm thinking,
I didn't hack anything. I was told to do it. So I just kind of watched what was happening, one person actually committed suicide or something. And the other two were found. Oh, Mike, but there was no hack. And that that's a going theme. You know that right? Wow. If it wasn't a hack, I'm presuming that means you took the information off of their servers and computers? Correct. So that information was then missing? Correct? What would be the point of that? What were they trying to hide? Well, if I removed it, that means someone else was there to replace it. Right? So I remove the factual, actual information. And then someone goes behind that's like, super switch.
I didn't see that until retros. Right, in retrospect, right, because for me, going to copy a server off of a consulate, you know, computer, State Department, wherever would be normal. If we had a contract with them, they would tell me what terminal i'd scan the barcode, make sure that I was at the right computer and do my job. So I removed data, that means someone else replaced it. So what is the relationship between global strategies group analysis Corporation and Canadian global information? They all do the same thing. They're the jack of all trades, except for the fact that global strategies group was actually a hub for all information in and out in and out. I mean, all of the directors there were former GC HQ, CIA, NSA, you know, am I sex and my five German intelligence, you have to wonder, why are all these former heads heading up?
consulting firm, and what were they consulting and they weren't consulting. They were collecting everybody's data, and privatizing, john brennan working within his network of contracting companies, such as Stanley Canadian global information, and the analysis Corporation helped then Senator brock obama get elected using internet influence operations. March 5 2013. Brennan gets confirmed as CIA director dodging controversy over his involvement in the CIA enhanced interrogation scandal. Now tell us about these data bridges to the NSA. Is that legally obtained information?
I mean, that's kind of what Snowden did to. According to sources closely connected to this subject. Under john Brennan's direction, Snowden created a data bridge from the NSA database into private servers controlled by private intelligence and cybersecurity contractors, aka the analysis Corporation, global strategies group and Canadian global information. The twinning of streams is duplicating the information in the upstream. That's, that's crazy to think that another company is copying all emails, texts, phone calls, messages, emojis, Instagrams tweets, anything you can imagine that's being uploaded. That has to go into like the 72 hour holding is suddenly being pushed offshore. That sounds kind of illegal because it is June 5 2013. Edward Snowden goes public with the NSA program prism, revealing the NSA collects internet traffic of all US citizens from major internet and telecom companies through the Pfizer 702 program. snowdens actions kicked off on the federal level justification for spying on us citizens, including the Senate and Congress, in the name of preventing us citizens with classified or top secret clearances from being able to repeat snowdens actions. This opened the door for the creation of clear force
July 4 2013, CGI and gch q launch a defense protection Partnership, which includes sharing threat intelligence. So these were all private corporations that even had foreigners working in them. And they had access to NSA servers. Of course they did. I mean, how do you think we found through facial recognition of the FBI, the Belgium bomber? Why would we have their facial recognition data?
So, is this legal what you're telling me? And why would they do it? Why would they set this up this way? So sharing our information and our private identifying information, facial recognition biometric outside of the United States, for official purposes, like at a consulate and embassy, you know, through secret service or anything like that is legal, right, or through Interpol. But to have a company that houses everybody's data. And any private person can buy that data or investigate that data or analyze that data. That's not and that's exactly what GSG was doing. Early 2009 john brennan left government and went to work for a small intelligence contractor here in the Virginia area, suburban Virginia area just outside of Washington. The company was called the analysis Corporation. There are subsidiaries of subsidiaries, some of these companies are spun out go public or private again, it's kind of hard to keep track of them in just four months GSG CGI, and other private contractors allegedly had on authorized access to the entire Five Eyes network, unfiltered, unrestricted, de compartmentalised outside any government regulation or oversight. Not surprising the CIA gets caught one year later, spying on the us senate there excuse it was their own network. They had set up for the Senate to us. So they had authorization. Would you agree that the CIA's 2014 search of Senate files was improper?
This is the annual threat assessment is yes, these were CIA computers at a CIA leased facility was a CIA network that was shared between senate staffers conducting that investigation for your report, as well as CIA personnel. Reality is those computers in effect belong to the CIA, but they were reserved exclusively for the committee's use. We accelerated our ability are one of the better word invasiveness into communications networks, in which legitimate targets coexisted with legitimately protected communications, or volunteer takes office and General Jones being sworn in as National Security Advisor, his son john Jones, copyrights ck ms congressional knowledge management system within a couple months after he leaves office in 2010. dye analogy gets contract for C kms. The Congressional knowledge management system, which basically controls all of the scheduling, addresses, the documents, everything for the calendars, C kms. is going to give you access to
unlimited information. Think about the information you could get from that. If we look on us we see di knology was awarded contracts for the congressional knowledge management system. However, one contract stands out, we're di knology was awarded a contract by the Department of Defense that includes a mention of the Congressional knowledge management system. A Closer Look shows that the award description is for C cam as hosting labor admin core data. The primary place of performance is Germany. And the North American Industry Classification description is data processing, hosting and related services. Even one section stating manufacturing outside the United States used outside the United States. Let it sink in that these official documents suggest the congressional knowledge management system. outsource to a private contractor is hosted, managed and stored in servers in Germany. This is very disturbing, with the Senate's computer network compromised by john brennan, CIA and
The Congressional knowledge management system being hosted, managed and stored overseas by General Jones's company, the ability for these contractors to eavesdrop on both the House and the Senate is staggering. When I brought this
back in 2018,
shortly after that
dye analogy lost the contract that they had had since 2011 2012, was c kms. And that contract went to another company, a company that exists as nothing more than a website and a maildrop mile or so from the analogy stamp office, controlling the entire congressionals knowledge management. And if you look at the contracting gamebase, they'll say that, oh, they have an American, an American entity, and it's like, but it's the same CEOs for this Canadian company. I'm so confused. So they even falsify information. So they can obfuscate who where our federal tax dollars are going. And don't forget, they all share contracts, they all subcontract co contract. So I group has the exact same product as Dana,
the Chateau in ISI, right? Yet, the owner of the analogy sits on the board of directors. So I agree, which in my opinion, is kind of like the owner of coke sitting on the board of directors of Pepsi, tac, CGI, and all these LLC is to just keep cycling and cycling. The Social Security numbers of 19 point 7 million Americans subjected to federal background checks as a condition of employment are now in the hands of hackers. In June 2015, the Office of Personnel Management announced a major data breach tell us about the OPM hack. Okay, so that's another Brennan job.
Another hack, suppose hack, and this is to obtain delete and obfuscate information. Hillary Clinton was up for the chopping block about our emails right at the State Department. And that was coming up. That was big talk of the town in 2014.
Suddenly, the Office of Personnel Management was hacked in December.
downline, five months later, Hillary Clinton appears in court and they tell her Hey, you're going to hand over your emails. A couple days after that. The now fired corrupt leaking former Igy of the State Department lynnie had requested from our elected officials to give him a big fat budget to create his own personal ID of the State Department server. How convenient, very convenient? Well, we have no evidence that our data has been compromised. The fact that the contents of our network may be accessed by large numbers of department administrators puts us at unnecessary risk the IT folks the department have the keys to our IT system. So they really have access unfettered access to the system if they wanted to. They could read modify, delete, they could read, modify, delete, I would like to be completely separate from the department to ensure the integrity of our system. But I also need the department to give us access to the same systems that we have now give us access. And he was responsible in releasing her emails that he gave in little little doses, of course, over time, but at the same time, the press came out with a report. Oh, dear months ago, there was a leak. Do you have evidence that the State Department's network has been attacked? And does that affect you guys? There there has been there's there's evidence that has been attacked, and it has affected us I can't really go into details. Because of the nature of the information. For people that don't know the Office of Personnel Management usually has information on every single American that has applied for any type of clearance. So if you applied for like a White House, press pass, or join the military, or an admin job that could require something like a public Charlie clearance, anything. all your information is there. What could they do with all that information? They started slowly, creating these memorandums of understandings with your secretaries of states, and Attorney General secretly behind your back providing facial recognition data, private identifying data, data data, this was the most incredible data, because if you want to control someone,
all you need to do is put that information through a couple of systems, and you'll know exactly what buttons you need to push, and how to make them nod their head the way you want them to or shake it. Millions of Americans have received letters like this, notifying them their data are at risk and referring them to a government contracted credit monitoring agency. Does this correlate with predictive programming?
Yes, the merging of john Brennan's tactical intelligence, and general Jones's operational capabilities gave birth to clear force. I saw I was the relational database component of it. That's what we named it. I needed excellent. And what did you name it isI for I like the iPhone, sigh for psychological warfare, okay, you have the component where you need to be able to collect all this information. And then you need to be able to collaborate this information with a team of an unspecified amount of analysts and or other legal people that will be looking at stuff. And you need to be able to provide the leadership of a tactical operation, you need to be able to provide them what's called a cop's common operational picture. Right? So this provides people at the top common operational picture of all the different assets. assets can be journalist. It could be an entire news organization, it could be a podcast, it could be just an individual YouTube influencer, it could be anybody like that. And you would either build them from scratch or contract them out, just bring them on mine. According to burgi. The 2012 changes to the Smith mundt Modernization Act of 2012 opened the floodgates for domestic IAA social media influence operations. Do you think that some of these smart devices were created in order to gain access to the public by the military industrial complex? I know that the iPhone really was released within this, if not the same month of the AIA policy letter, right. I know
for a fact and you can easily look it up that the Smith act, Modernization Act was modified to allow for the influence dissemination of propaganda to Americans, which had previously been restricted or prevented by the Smith mundt act in the late 40s. When it was put in place when they modernize that they took away those protections, allowing it to adapt for social media. And then within a few months, or just a very short period of time. They came out with the Obama phone. Everybody in Cleveland, low minority got Obama,
Obama and President You know, he gave us a file free cell phones to low income families track phone he's just started a program here on the volunteer state called safelink Wireless with an 800,000 families here in Tennessee qualify for these phones. The company says this program is about providing a safe link for families no matter what their level of income is very short time after that they added free unlimited data plans to them. He also suggested that the contiguous release of the Obama phone with an unlimited data plan played a significant role in fostering the Ferguson riots using IAA.
So why do you think they were targeting them for collection purposes? Oh, the the Think of what you could do, right?
Think of how easily you could start a riot in Cleveland if you had the
data? Oh, my goodness. So you can gather that information and know how to psychologically target them to get them upset? Or, you know, do you think that they were pushing information to them like tailoring their body weight on social media? I would, and when I like I said I didn't really actually finish this earlier. But I originally in 2014, I recognize
Black Lives Matter.
movement during the Michael Brown riots is being influenced by AIA of the colleague of mine in South Korea, did a trace route on it. Trace routed the source of the what I believe to have been IIA to Ukraine. That's funny, right? So because Ukraine does always keep popping up
in whether or not it was actually the Chateau net itself, or it was a competitor like McChrystal, right, McChrystal, what they accused McChrystal of having is the exact same thing as what we built before him. Maybe it was a competitor, who knows is becoming really a boutique market. Do you think that many of these social media companies like Twitter or Facebook, they were created with AI operations in mind and it was
never intended to be a free speech platform. I mean, what's your take on that in our shadow net flyer, it has a screenshot of
South American
social network site that was kind of like the predecessor for my space owned by Google. And I believe the name was irkut. And you can actually look on our flyer and see a screenshot from that, which looks like an active engagement in South America. Now, if you look up what happened to irkut, what was really Google's first attempt, MySpace, you'll see that it was largely shut down and largely contributed to an overwhelming use of fake personas, right? What was one of the reasons that they attributed to MySpace shutting down last year rampant fake personas. At the same time I'm developing these flyers. For a company that doesn't have a sales staff, they only have a product. At the same time I'm doing that. Our number one partner for a company that doesn't have a product that is only sales people are
working john mccain's campaign, to risky doing micro targeted social media for john mccain's campaign on McCain and I approve this message. You're speaking on news pundits, and how many of the news pundants are I assets and intelligence assets? So tell us more about that. Mika Brzezinski. Her father is you know, the father of influence operations and psychological warfare, a towering figure in American foreign policy and extended member of the NBC News family as well as a big Brzezinski. Jimmy Carter's national security adviser, Jillian Turner, Fox News host was also vice president of Jones Group international doing an interview with her old boss and my old boss. Now why would I assume that they would be using anything other than the shadow net? Because the owner of the shatter net has so many key assets? Why would he need to go to anybody else? Right? So they get their talking points from the analysts that are putting it together. But then they disseminate those talking points through non attribution to their assets throughout these news organizations utilizing an application like the Chateau net. Julian Turner has a direct connection to Atlantic Council General Jones was the chairman of the board of the Atlantic Council. Jgi Jones crippin. National is an oil lobby. Atlantic Council in Brisbane has a relationship business in energy company. Obviously they have these connections. This would explain why Fox News focuses mostly on the Biden Ukraine scandal, never mentioning Jones's connections, nor the Atlantic Council. Trump focusing on Ukraine isn't just about Biden. It's about Jones, Hayden, Brennan, McChrystal, the State Department, USAID and corrupt Inspector Generals with everything in place. And after being in control of the office of the presidency for decades, the military industrial complex had confidence they could take Trump out as a candidate or even as President, has IIA been used against President Trump. Absolutely. Through the Russian dossier.
There are so many people, former colleagues of mine,
directly connected to the shadow No, john McCain and Lindsey Graham, one of the last two people to have their hands on the Russian dossier before it was handed off to BuzzFeed. As part of the dissemination process, told the president It was not john mccain. I know because john mccain showed me the dossier, it was built, it was a product it was used as a weapon, as part of an influence operation was fake information put into it to help create chaos and to influence an election. Bottom line, right. But
those people that were directly involved with that were also directly involved with a shadow in it. So
you have knowledge of them using military grade psychological warfare weapons on the President of the United States,
done by the closest people around them to as Trump's election unfolded, and as all of the Russia collusion and all these things started happening and in becoming exposed, revealed to me it was to keep from exposing the stuff they've been doing over here, which I believe includes the my dog massacre in
Ukraine, where did the dossier come from? Now you're testified it came from Ukraine. Where's all the money laundering and crazy is we see going on
Ukraine. So Manafort being accused of social media influence operations in Ukraine in 2010. World court charged him with that Ukraine was the epicenter of everything, like everything. And that's because we had named that nation and made them deal to us, Barack Hussein Obama did it. You know, we deployed troops, National Guard, of course, and what states are the ones that work with Ukraine? It would be California, New York. So we deployed troops there, because you know, they weren't listening. It's like, why would you want to stay independent and hang out with the Russians when you can be with us, the Americans and the Europeans. And they were really upset that they weren't willing to commit to receive debt from the EU and ignore Russia, which they had been attached to for yawns. So we went in there and destroyed them. That's how hunter Biden got his job. That's how we weaseled our way in there. We got ahold of corrupt people. We said, we'll help you out with your lawsuits. You get us in there. We wrote bills, we sent the money so we can help them conduct elections.
We did everything there. The Obama aid package in Ukraine, which corresponds with Joe Biden's billion dollar loan guarantees scandal is the same aid package, or Seidel got a field office in kiV to provide election training and election management for the Ukrainian Election Commission. Seidel is one of the most notorious outsource companies for elections with regular electronic voting machine problems, who also tabulate our election results in cloud services in Europe, aka servers outside the United States. a whistleblower leaked to me in 2019 internal documents from Seidel that appeared to show meddling in the Kentucky election. Atlantic Council has been citing America's policies for decades now. And look at what a panic they were in. When Trump made that phone call to Ukraine. They went into absolute panic mode 75% of the people testifying were all directly connected to General Jones, McCain and Atlantic Council. The now ID of the NSA,
literally with his wife created the national anti corruption Bureau in the Ukraine. In 2009. They created it. Robot storage is the deputy head of the US inspector general's office upon storage for Skype for years years aacomas. I recognize how important this task is for Nabu, and for the effort to address corruption there in Ukraine, September 30 2016. Obama knows that within 30 days, if the NSA can't fix the over collection problem by either dumping data or justifying having it, the Pfizer court will order the ID of the NSA to investigate. So what does Obama do? He writes an executive order that makes the ID of the NSA a presidential appointment, rather than an appointment by the director of the NSA, November 30 2016. Obama nominates Robert Stuart's who is working as deputy Igy of the DOJ under Horowitz at the same time on Rob storage, and I'm honored to serve as the Inspector General at the National Security Agency during the transition period from the Obama administration into the Trump administration, storage appears to never have actually been confirmed by the Trump administration. How did this guy get confirmed? Not one person asked, Hey, have you ever worked for for I mean, a couple months before they even had the hearing, to see if he's gonna be confirmed or not? Nobody asked him Hey, did you by any chance get an offer from the President of Ukraine to work for them? It was all over the media, but not one person asked. You know who else helped them set it up? Bill Taylor and George Kent, those two clowns also testified against President one of them has supersonic hearing, they could hear phones that are not on speakerphone, from across the room. So that's odd. According to Tory, the alleged impeachment whistleblower, was actually a wiretap, hence supersonic hearing capabilities. Eric Sierra mela was a decoy to hide the fact that the President was being wiretapped through
702 data over collection problem connected to the sunset clause collection problem that the NSA Inspector General Robert storiche oversaw. So the question is what has been the Senate Intelligence Committee? All complacent every single one of them? Because it's their job to be our voice and ask those questions. Show me, I guess that they're in on it. So I guess the question is, are they all just that inept? Or is there something else going on? section 702 of the Pfizer Amendment Act of 2008, was created to stop illegal surveillance through data collection, it ends up being used as cover, providing the intelligence agencies front facing legal access to on authorized data, while turning a blind eye to private contractors having backdoor access to all data, I had access through the administrative side platform, because I was one of the first on it.
To be able to see all communications between people like Adam Schiff, Brian, Feinstein, staffers, and General Jones, and many more that I don't want to say, because I haven't publicized that yet, actually, because there's foreign people there that I did see, communications of former GC HQ had Hannigan, Robert hannegan was part of a company at GSG. Right. So I gave most of this information to Millie lever, and she put out a report. And even though I had legal access to all their communications, because I had my username and password, minute she did that report. Within just I believe, almost instantaneously, the website was taken down, and my access was revoked. They changed, it wasn't revoked, we just uphold the whole server. Who was done, he was finished. He made it toast. I mean, that's what they do. But nothing ever really dies, really. Because the way they use their servers is by torrents. So all their information is hidden somewhere across the planet. Maybe we should look at some old articles that I put out on hurricane electric to find those servers and those little bits and seed them correctly. So I mean, you'd be able to see it, but something like Keystone. Keystone. Keystone.
I want to ask you about john brennan and the black male.
So who all did he have blackmail collected on? Any politicians?
You mean that I've seen?
A lot of people. Yes. And politicians.
So would you say there's any side more democrats or more republican or is it kind of even very even Steven?
Okay, so once this blackmail was collected on politicians, what did they do with it? Even Pelosi doesn't know that what they have on her?
Either just Blumenthal.
Nobody. I can keep going down. And but do they know that these people have blackmail on them? Only if they butted heads? Okay, so we saw butting of heads between Murkowski was it? And Feinstein? Right. That's a budding of heads. That's where it's like, Hey, we got this, you know, where she put her up against the wall? happens all the time. Now, you know, how our government has been compromised. 24 seven surveillance mixed with blackmail? What's the significance of Cambridge Analytica being attached to Trump's campaign? Everything that I saw with
the description of like how Cambridge analytical function, what they did, their app, the computer applications, everything that I saw with that.
I would describe as you know, just the later iteration of the Chateau net was Cambridge Analytica to your knowledge in IAEA operation. Yes, it was. And I believe that it was so blatant because it was piloted at the same time that the RNC and the DNC were hacked. It was all formulated correctly, said to you, it's all coming out. And the question is how I didn't even aspire to leak Hillary's emails and I have nothing to do with Russia. So yes. The fact is
It looks like I did both.
If I wasn't me, I would say yes, that's what it looks like.
I was part of the team running Obama's Facebook.
We invented the way social media is used to communicate with voters.
This is how they were going to do it. You know, they were supposed to go in. They were supposed to sway him, because they were supposed to give up the goods to match the Russia hack. Why would they be running an AI operation? That would be helping Trump win? Because that doesn't make sense when we know that General Jones is a Democrat, and many of these people don't like Trump. So what gets? Well, because then we just make it look like Russia was running the Cambridge analytical program to and admits to it right here. I am headed to Washington DC. For my testimony for the Muller investigation. I definitely didn't think that while we're sitting there counting votes that some of those votes were made by people who had
seen fake news stories paid for by Russia on their Facebook page.
So not only did they hack the DNC and the RNC, but nobody talks about that, right? Because we're only supposed to focus that Russia was hacking just the DNC, not the RNC. We keep forgetting about that. Because it was just information Brennan was gaining. They wanted to get access to servers. That's the way it goes. Anyway. Cambridge analytic at the same time would be supposedly helping President Trump win. And the Russia collusion hoax would have stuck better, because behind all those LLCs and glitz and glamour, they would have had some statue of Vladimir Putin in a tutu waiting for you. Yeah, I worked at Cambridge Analytica wall, they had Facebook datasets, went to Russia one time why works for Cambridge, I visited Julian Assange and totally worked for Cambridge, pitched the Trump campaign and wrote the first contracts. I have an email from one of our senior data scientists that said that we were actually using Facebook like data and our modeling methodology was considered a weapon.
weapons grade communications tactics Well done, Brit looked quite tough. And you did okay. With a winky face. Little emoji when we found out that Cambridge analytical reached out to WikiLeaks and said, Hey, can we help?
What that means is, we've got a Russian intelligence operation underway to illegally influence the US election in Trump's favor. And we've got the data firm paid by the Trump campaign, offering operational help to Daniel, are there any ties between Mr. Trump view or your campaign and proven in this regime? No, there are that That's absurd. And, you know, there's no basis to it. Cambridge Analytica was used to create the appearance that Russia conducted influence operations to help Trump win the 2016 election, stone, Manafort, Davis, McCain, Jones, all of these people have been doing this for, to my knowledge, a decade of my personal fact witness now. They've been doing this for a decade priority Trump even running for office, I met with Roger stone, we read his table, and a speaking engagement that he did in Clearwater, Florida. And I asked Roger stone at that time, are you you know, did you work with a Do you know, Jim Jones, did you work with dynamic eg? And he acknowledged his relationship and his Yeah, sure. I did ask guys. I asked him flat out I said, Did did you use the shadow net? Is Did you know about it? He's like no, stone leaving the Trump campaign early on, suggests candidate Trump didn't want his campaign tied to stones influence operations. We really pioneered negative campaign advertising. Stone does have a reputation for political dirty tricks and influence operations, I revel in your hatred, because if I weren't effective, you wouldn't hate me.
Manafort and Roger stone go way back, like from the 80s. You know, like, come on. These people have been through everything together. And, you know, this is why they targeted them. And this is why they went on Manafort for things that were like ancient it's like, man, no, not even a statute of limitation. Not anything. Come on, man. Seriously. Nope. sigh group and wiki strats absolutely connected to the shadow net, through the owners of the shadow net do the fact that they sigh group through
Paul Manafort submitted proposal to Trump campaign. Now Trump's campaign rejected the proposal. I love that man, right. That's why I keep voting for him. Because even when he's given the opportunity to do that he rejected the Trump campaign must have known the dems would try to use anything against them. Trump must have sense that the offer for influence operations was a honey trap to set him up. Well, do you think that the reason they attached Manafort to Trump's campaign because I was kind of later, right? It attached them onto there? Do you think it's because they were trying to frame up Trump? Yes, because they failed with their eyes? Yeah, I definitely would say that Manafort was an asset, whether or not he fully understood what his role was, you know, he might, they might have lied to him about what is true, what their true intentions were, I believe they fully intended to throw him under the bus because two things had to happen, they could not let Hillary win, and they could not let Trump keep his seat.
Right. So they were trying to kill two birds with one stone, using Manafort to make sure that Hillary doesn't win through IIA through wiki strat through his connections there. And then those same people turning around, throwing him under the bus by somebody who had previously worked with Manafort and understood what he had been doing and what he was doing, and use that to exploit him as a way to hurt Trump, since their whole attempt to have him employ a company to help him win and use the psychological operations that the left was using. I mean, they're doing it, we should do it. And he didn't. And that's in the Mueller report that's in the New York Times. There are several instances where he's rejected the opportunity to take advantage of influence of influence, its operations, be it IIA supported, or just your standard run of the mill influence operations, right? they've rejected that. And the thing is, people like Roger stone, aren't saints, but they're not demons, either. They skirt the outs, and they're great at what they do. And, you know, you either love them or not, it's like brie cheese. But the one thing that you can be sure of is that he sticks to his principles. And if he's your friend, especially if he's been your friend for 40 years, like it was with President Trump, there's no way he's gonna flip on you to save his butt. Ever? Because that's what honest people do. Yeah. He seems to know how the games in the swamp are played. Oh, yeah. So I mean, he knows how they operate was actually framed by people they work with. I mean, that software was created, you know, by his friend that created the magic wheel software, like implemented Chateau net for the courts. So they can like, randomly have such specified, you know, out of millions of people that were in the pool. They were all like, intelligence contractors, and never trumpers Come on. So why wouldn't they just focus their efforts on running AI operations to get Hillary in office? Oh, they did? Are you kidding? they deployed everything from censoring shadow banning to dismissals to full blown mockingbirds. I mean, that's where we saw the real face of the press. That is exactly what we saw.
You know, I want all of you to know that that's true, not only for the campaign, but if I am fortunate enough to be your President, I want you to know when I want you to tell anybody you know, any friends or colleagues at school or work or your neighborhood, whether you vote for me or vote against me.
The polls 98% chance Hillary Clinton wins, like,
yeah, I mean, but those were bogus. That was an IAA. That was hijack your reality to think she's already won. So obviously, she's the best. All the superstars coming out how she's amazing, all these concerts and all to divert you away from the fact that she couldn't walk, talk, climb stairs, say a word without checking.
Hillary Clinton is on stage right now as we speak, and she is coughing nonstop. Did she like check up a lung or something that was that was super weird.
There is a definitely some context needs to be understood in the relationship between General Jones Obama and Hillary Clinton.
General Jones was originally offered by Obama, the position of Secretary of State he
Up to his family talked to his family accepted. And then two days later without even telling him, which was kind of a jerk move to do.
Obama turned around and tapped Hillary Clinton. And I know that Jones, Jim Jones told me that his dad was really offended by that. And then he was offered and accepted the role the position of national security adviser, but actually considered turning it down because he was so offended by what it is so upset by what it happened. What would be the point of
like, making Hillary out of the equation to then get Trump and to then want to just impeach him?
Because he wasn't their choice. These people hate Trump. He's a jackass. So we're talking about at the time, you know, that would just make pence in charge? Well, which pence I think john mccain would have rather had pence in charge. You think lindsey graham would rather have pence Lindsey Graham was so frustrated with Trump, Trump, he took his phone and smashed it on YouTube. Because Trump gave out his phone number. Trump drove that man crazy. Trump got in the way of the big game, a contest between contractors and subcontractors over who gets first dibs on defense, security, and tech contracts. Mueller, since I think it was like august of 2016, was well aware that I had in my possessions, portions of the DNC mirrored server in February and March. Did you know that?
And when my private life was collapsing the same exact day, not without a minute of separation? I was served by Barack Hussein Obama's attorney, three years later, to come and talk about it. Did you know that did not know that they went as hard as they could stone the same thing. They went with nothing like look, Muller called him in, right for these emails and talking about Wikileaks, when I had actual portions of the dancer, like even Muller knew I had it. Why did Mueller never call me back? When I went to him and told him about all its information and spoke for 15 minutes, every one of these people are so corrupt. It's not even funny, the swamp already knew in August of 2016, that the information was compromised by people. And they knew what type of people had access that information. But they didn't know who some people will say, well, maybe they're investigating, how can you investigate it if you don't ever call me back? And you don't ever really because there's a lot of things that I need to be able to explain to them that I can't say, outside of class by environment. So they're not even if they are investigating it. They certainly aren't doing it with all the information. Stop, stop. Stop. We all know it was a fix. Did the DOJ outsource the Mueller investigation to CGI? Well, yes, they did. So I'll tell you what happened. So I actually, for my listeners on air, I interviewed former attorney, acting Attorney General Whitaker, I want to ask you something you were Chief of Staff for Jeff Sessions. So there's obviously contracts that are signed, like you know how you hire vendors. I wanted to know why during the Muller probe, we spent over $40 million in waste management to a Canadian company that works with Canadian intelligence. Yeah, sounds like paper shredding. Yeah, yeah. There's, there's, you know, this is the thing we need watchdogs and something I did before I came to Washington DC was run a watchdog group that asked these types of questions and to make sure that that like, you know, kind of, there's not,
you know, waste, fraud and abuse. So why is our Department of Justice, outsourcing to Canadian intelligence companies access to the Mueller investigation? That definitely seems improper. Now, this Canadian company, how much were they paying? And were they paying them with tax dollars? We have to ask ourselves, why would we use federal tax dollars? upwards of 40 million to have them do paper shredding for Moeller and administrative tasks and emptying garbage cans? That sounds like a leaking opportunity? That sounds like why are we getting foreign nationals involved in an investigation that were supposedly investigating the president, the sitting President of the United States, from CGI his involvement in the passport fiasco in 2008, to CGI involved in the Mueller investigation, we see how contractors have the ability to both perform and clean up their own dirty work. I think it's about time people understand what happened. And I've made it no secret that I know what happened.
So, Seth Rich worked for the DNC.
He was acts just like I, he was asked,
Hey, why don't you go image the DNC server right there since you're there for us, so we can keep it safe. And he did so. And he uploaded it where he was told. So he uploaded it where he was supposed to. And there were a lot of me's that sought me's meeting group of friends that I have, where we sit and talk string theory and predictive analytics
on the undernet.
So we find this and it's like, Whoa, treasure trove copied.
And we fractioned it, so that we can download it because it was so massive.
And that's what happened. So I'll tell you what happened to Seth Rich. So he did his job as he was asked. At the same time, the RNC was also hacked. Again, Brennan, Mo, let's hack. And the hack was done on purpose. So you can delete information, insert information, and of course, with them putting Cambridge Analytica and sending them over to President Trump, which was a trap. Okay, that was a trap.
You clearly you can see it, the hack the RNC. You mean, you had someone within the GOP do it for you? Because no one died there.
And yes, some of those emails escaped, because that is what was considered mitigation. You have to give them something really bad. And so when he saw that they had retroactively changed things, the stories and the rumors going in, seeing the Bernie Sanders elections were being stolen. the DNC was all about Hillary not about real elections, that it was all rigged. He came in contact with a guy named Sean Lucas, but we did make contact with somebody from the Democratic National Committee's office, and they've been served. Democracy has prevailed today. So they decided, oh, yeah, maybe we can get it out to someone else. And it was not to Julian Assange direct.
And both of those guys are dead. But in a bizarre twist of events on August 2, less than one month after serving the subpoena, Lucas was reported dead. Hillary's emails were still being examined. They had to get rid of the evidence. And the only way that they can access the whole DNC server is if there was a breach. And that's how you can go in and change things. This is why the FBI never asked for the server. That's the real story. So is Seth Rich thought that what he was doing was cracked.
Later on, he realized it was not. That's why there was such a big gap that he need to find him. They need to find out who had it. And they already knew that I myself had portions of the DNC server, and others in March in February, Obama's lawyer for Seth Rich, three years later says, You need to come and tell us about Seth Rich, I was like, I don't need to do anything. I don't know who you're trying to. You're being subpoenaed. I can't bring you anything because you're three years too late. And for the record, usually they're going to be three minutes too late. You know, Hillary doesn't have a patent on hammers.
Or the city dumps or bleachbit or
didn't CrowdStrike initially investigate? the DNC server creating the whole Russia hacked the election scenario. When the DNC hired us back in May, we actually came in deployed our technology called Falcon on all the systems inside that corporate network. Were these people that were actually doing the hacking of the DNC, there were two groups two independently working group that were associated with Russian intelligence agencies. One of them was associated with Gru, the primary military intelligence agency in Russia.
CrowdStrike owned by that out Povich guy who is a senior advisor on the Atlantic Council, when President Trump called up the Ukrainian president, what did he ask him for? The CrowdStrike servers, right? Again, all immediate direct colleagues like the brown bag lunch, it this big, you know, Star chamber, you can imagine existing mayor, I'm sorry, Mr. President, they're all they're just like, what can we do orange man bad. What is just statistical odds are that Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon existing on virtually everybody connected to the Russian dossier and the impeachment. The only other person that directly connected to both of us President Trump and he's on the receiving end of it.
But yet you never hear this man's name. A General Jones. That's the guy that heads up clear for us. That's the guy that took shadow net and made it what it is. That's the guy that resold reinvented shadow net to create the magic wheel of DC courts to make
sure that they get the most compromised. juries, you know, put together for anyone that they didn't want when General Jones was tapped as the Chairman of the Board of Atlantic Council by to replace Huntsman, john huntsman, one of the first orders of business that
he did with Atlantic Council was to create a partnership with Facebook. Right.
That happened a month after Mark Zuckerberg sat in front of Congress. Yes, I mean, they did not want their information to be sold to Cambridge Analytica by a developer. And, and that happened, and it happened on our watch. So even though we didn't do it, I think we have a responsibility to be able to prevent that and be able to take action sooner. So as a month after they do that.
Facebook partners with General Jones at the Atlantic Council to restore election integrity worldwide, right. So the best of the 7 billion people on the planet. Mark Zuckerberg fix the owner of the shadow net. President Donald Trump and Mike Pence both ran ads on Facebook that included a symbol of an upside down red triangle. Facebook today removed the ads. Facebook has taken action against what it calls harmful misinformation from President Trump, the company deleted a post by the President that included a false statement to restore election integrity worldwide. We all know that he was connect directly connected to Cambridge Analytica through psi group and wiki stret. So, essentially, what they did was they partnered with Cambridge Analytica again, this also explains why Facebook went to Atlantic Council, aka Jones to fix the Cambridge analytical problem they needed to cover there is a tracks what you've seen with the recent riots surrounding George Floyd staff. From your perspective, does that look like an AI operation? Absolutely. Nothing feels natural about what's going on more stuff is fake and fabricated right now in the news than what's actually real. When I say fake, fake or fabricated eyes. I mean, like, okay, you have the truth. And it's being represented to you with a very specific slant. It's so far beyond, you know, a couple, you know, Russia, making a couple spending some money on some Facebook ads. Right? If you believe that, then they've already won. So that's how it works. It's like the movie wag the dog, quite literally. Oh, you know, movies tell a lot of stories. And it's almost
it's almost as if they're making fun of us. They made fun of Alex Jones, when he used to point out all these false flags. I mean, I guess that's just a term he was using. But if you actually look what he was pointing out in a lot of instances was I operations. Jane, what more can you tell us about the Salomon Brothers building, and it's collapsing and it's collapsing and its collapse. As you can see behind me, the Trade Center appears to be still burning, we are getting information now that one of the other buildings building seven, World Trade Center complex is on fire. And he's either collapse or is collapsing. Well, but he didn't know the term is. So it would be easier for people to understand someone's hacking your reality. Because now in this day and age of computing, that makes more sense to people, they understand it more, oh, hack my reality, you mean change the way I see things. And that is exactly what an IRA is. It's just that it's software churning out, oh, you need to do this to get this outcome. Kind of like using that shadow net, in the DC courts and saying, oh, prosecutor, you want him to go to jail and you want a guilty verdict, we're gonna have to pull it out. And then when a pool of jury people come, all of them are potential to give you a guilty verdict. So then you pick from all the people that will give you a guilty verdict.
So there's no chance that you'll win, and even said that on my, on my show, he said the judges are corrupt. That's a major problem for the justice system, if people are able to use that technology in jury selection, to be able to predict who's going to, you know, throw their vote a certain way.
Is anyone stopping them?
That's a major problem, right? It is in Roger stone with this computation. We'll solve it because this is where it all comes to the surface. How do you think your jury pool was selected?
Well, obviously I don't know.
I do know that based on the statistics on the District of Columbia, that the statistical improbability of my jury having a single republican should be impossible. The statistical impossibility of my jury having a single military veteran should be impossible. The statistical possibility of my jury, having no jurors with less than a college education is impossible. But that was the case. Well, what if I told you roger that your jury was actually selected the jury pool the grander jury pool right? Before the void? voir, dear, as they say, where you kind of select and approve and deny, right? The majority of it was actually plugged into a program, but see this program wanted to select a jury pool that would get you a guilty verdict, no matter what, hence, the odds, like you say, are so far fetched. So the question is, who was the company? Who was the vendor that was used to select your greater pool for the jury? And if you're, you know, lawyer was to able to able to find that or ask that question. I would not be surprised if you see the name, General Hayden hop up, I do think it might strengthen my, the possibility of my appeal, it should that become necessary, I will never plead guilty to something I didn't do. It's a matter that does require some research. And I appreciate your bringing it up. That's amazing. It's like Minority Report in real time today, clear forces. Kind of like what they built. The it's it's the next iteration of the shadow net. They took the cycle, they took the profile, personas and profile capabilities. They added real time criminal background, travel, financial, medical, added all these things in to create predictive behavioral profiles that determine whether or not you're likely to steal or leak.
CITIZENFOUR is a real life thriller, unfolding by the minute, giving audiences unprecedented access to filmmaker Laura Poitras and journalist Glenn Greenwald’s encounters with Edward Snowden in Hong Kong, as he hands over classified documents providing evidence of mass indiscriminate and illegal invasions of privacy by the National Security Agency (NSA).
Poitras had already been working on a film about surveillance for two years when Snowden contacted her, using the name “CITIZENFOUR,†in January 2013. He reached out to her because he knew she had long been a target of government surveillance, stopped at airports numerous times, and had refused to be intimidated. When Snowden revealed he was a high-level analyst driven to expose the massive surveillance of Americans by the NSA, Poitras persuaded him to let her film.
CITIZENFOUR places you in the room with Poitras, Greenwald, and Snowden as they attempt to manage the media storm raging outside, forced to make quick decisions that will impact their lives and all of those around them.
CITIZENFOUR not only shows you the dangers of governmental surveillance—it makes you feel them. After seeing the film, you will never think the same way about your phone, email, credit card, web browser, or profile, ever again.
Out of Shadows is a film that attempts to lift the mask on how the mainstream media and Hollywood try to manipulate and control the masses by spreading propaganda via their platform. Released on YouTube in early April 2020, this film gained over a million views within its first 24 hours after being released, it is currently clocking in at just over thirteen million views which means people are certainly taking notice.
Right from the get-go we hear from Hollywood stunt actor Mike Smith, as he speaks on his experience working on the inside. The message is clear and the film literally aims to “wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to and brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agendaâ€. Some of the ideas and theories touched on throughout the film are at times hard to hear. They reference cannibalism-themed Hollywood dinners, trafficking of children in Hollywood, and child abuse as entertainment during Hollywood events.
You might at first be quick to brush some of these claims off but a lot of the points raised in the film do indeed hold weight. Recently we have seen that there’s a lot of politics involved in Hollywood today, from leaked emailsbetween Sony Pictures’ executives and government officials to Harvey Weinstein, who was a large contributor to Hilary Clinton’s Presidential campaign and just take one look at the villains in their movies, they are nearly always portrayed to be Russians, Germans, etc. America will never be presented as the villain.
COVIDLAND Episode One: The Lockdown is the beginning of a five-part series set to be released this coming fall and winter.
A riveting and fast-paced movie made by award-winning filmmaker Paul Wittenberger and narrated by Alex Jones that’s designed to break people out of their trance, see the big picture, and take our world back!
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Out of Shadows is a film that attempts to lift the mask on how the mainstream media and Hollywood try to manipulate and control the masses by spreading propaganda via their platform. Released on YouTube in early April 2020, this film gained over a million views within its first 24 hours after being released, it is currently clocking in at just over thirteen million views which means people are certainly taking notice.
Right from the get-go we hear from Hollywood stunt actor Mike Smith, as he speaks on his experience working on the inside. The message is clear and the film literally aims to “wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to and brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agendaâ€. Some of the ideas and theories touched on throughout the film are at times hard to hear. They reference cannibalism-themed Hollywood dinners, trafficking of children in Hollywood, and child abuse as entertainment during Hollywood events.
You might at first be quick to brush some of these claims off but a lot of the points raised in the film do indeed hold weight. Recently we have seen that there’s a lot of politics involved in Hollywood today, from leaked emailsbetween Sony Pictures’ executives and government officials to Harvey Weinstein, who was a large contributor to Hilary Clinton’s Presidential campaign and just take one look at the villains in their movies, they are nearly always portrayed to be Russians, Germans, etc. America will never be presented as the villain.
From 1955 to 1975, the US Army used its own soldiers as human guinea pigs in research involving powerful, mind-altering drugs. Told through exclusive footage and first-hand accounts, this is the true story of one of the darkest chapters in US history.
It’s been almost seven years since a US-inspired coup divided Ukraine and war erupted in the country’s east. The Donetsk and Lugansk republics, next to Russia's border, are collectively known as Donbass, a coal-mining industrial centre. The two declared independence from Kiev in 2014, and civil war erupted.
There are mass graves scattered across Donbass, from which bodies of civilians are regularly exhumed. Yet, while the shelling and killings continued, Western media remained silent. According to UN estimates, over 13,000 people have been killed in the conflict.
The Donbass people call it a ‘genocide of the Russian-speaking population’. Kiev outlawed the Russian language from everyday life, endeavouring to limit its use, despite Russian being the native language in large areas of the country.
Donbass. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow takes a look back at events that unfolded before the start of the crisis in 2014. Historians and journalists share their views on the conflict, players and motives, while ordinary citizens from the Donetsk and Lugansk regions describe the horrors of war.
Journey into human healing that follows holistic practitioner Dr. Mark Mincolla and his miracle patients.
When the smart money was betting GameStop would go under, an army of irreverent traders tried to take Wall Street down instead. Diamond Hands is their story. This is the legend of the subreddit/WallStreetBets.
From the dawn of mankind there have been groups with the power and intent to manipulate the masses to their end game of control and dominance over all humanity. Over the centuries there have been elite brotherhoods that have developed incredibly subtle, complex ways to manipulate the people. As populations grew so did the quest for power and the need to create new, improved methods of control. They have invented religions and mysteries; they have seeded revolution and started countless wars. Explore how these ancient secret societies manipulate the masses, the psychology they use to control the way we consume and live our daily lives. Everything we do and think is created for us, even though we believe we are free. This omnipotence began many thousands of years ago, they are our gods, leaders, priests and revolutionaries. They are the secret societies behind the veil of our reality.
Childhood 2.0 dives into the issues of addiction and withdrawal, anxiety and depression, online abuse and bullying, the pervasiveness of pornography, the culture of sexting and unforeseen consequences, the rise of online pedophilia and sexual predators, the loss of free play and autonomy and the rapid growth of suicide among children and teens.
People throughout the world believe in life after death and that spirits are trying to contact the living. In this compelling documentary the Science of paranormal investigation is put to the test as as four ghost hunters ask the big questions: Is there something after death? Are ghosts real? Can we communicate with lost family?
A documentary profiling Martin Shkreli, the financial entrepreneur and pharmaceutical tycoon from Brooklyn, New York, known for raising the price of an AIDS drug 5500% overnight, buying the sole copy of a Wu-Tang Clan album for $2 million dollars and being convicted of securities fraud. The most hated man in America, Martin Shkreli is Pharma Bro.
A forgotten experiment by a Canadian psychologist from the 1970's called Rat Park shows us that drug addiction is not really about drugs themselves - it's about the cages we live in.
Gossip over facts has changed the landscape of journalism in the age of social media as tweets and online chatter eclipses news paper headlines and the news media. Newsgeist explores the defining spirit of news and journalism in the age of social media and its affect on the ideas and beliefs of our time.
An unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's really going on in our world by following the money upstream - uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
Mysterious stone spheres, pyramid with an EM Beam and tunnels with healing energy fascinate. Search for Holy Spirit, strange phenomenon's, spiritual awakening, healing and meeting Virgin Marry, brings spiritual people from all over the globe to Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the Apparition Hill in Medjugorje pilgrims find new connection to God and strengthen their faith, some find healing.
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