Dr. Royal Rife's 1936 Lab Film

ToYourHealth Photo

89 years


This is the rife Research Laboratory, Point Loma California, this is royal rife, you, research scientist of this laboratory is narrated by john crane. The principal scientist in this laboratory was royal our right ri Effie who had worked in Research on Cancer and many other diseases from 1920 to 1942.



This is the chemical apparatus of the laboratory part of it. cultures are in this cabinet which had to be protected from the radiation of the electromagnetic energy developed by rice ray tube instruments were many sterilizers in the laboratory, one being 15 feet long for the sterilization of glassware and other research items. These are hot water steam hears there was a complete machine shop in the laboratory for to work making microscopes and providing any of the facilities needed for the research.



This research was sponsored by the rife virus microscope Institute. I live lab incorporated and by the john f crane Corporation. Shut up for continuing rice research. Every room was completed itself nothing was taken from one room to another.



Ryan was a world traveler and a great marksman had 40 of the most beautiful guns made in those days.



This is rice office, his desk. This is the vault where he kept some radium and other valuable materials used in the experiments on cancer. Rise had about 1000 albino rats in the basement. Like she used to grow tumors from a virus he isolated a cancer virus which was isolated and injected into the rats.



These are steam sterilizers and I sterilization room. This is a surgery room in which the glassware and other



surgery items were used in the operations on the ranch by rife This is the main surgery table or the riots rats were there other animals were are operated on. These are pictures of the surgical instruments used by rife. Rice was assisted by many MDS that worked with him during this research. This is the optical room in which the microscopes and the optical elites optical bench is shown in the background. With his universal microscope the rife microscope published by the Smithsonian Institution on the Franklin Institute. This was one of five instruments that arrived designed and built with the help of his colleagues This is a million Vo x ray. This is a stop motion photo micrograph machine that was used to make delayed versions of the growing flowers or the growing of viruses growing of plants growing warms, which are all recorded. This is a skinnier research camera 35 millimeter that Ryan used in his work. And this is a number two microscope a virus microscope was a pressmen prismatic instrument. And this is a number three universal microscope, prismatic type that bought it all fields of microscopy, including dark field polarized polarized light, infrared light, ultraviolet light, and monochromatic beam light. The indicator dial moved around seven times to move the object up and down one micron and it was a very sensitive instrument. The ocular that you see on the left side on the middle of the instrument on that wasn't plugged in and made it a standard microscope. An isolating cancer virus in 1931 Rive took a non ulcerated human breast mass from a paradise valley sanitarium donated by Dr. Artie hammer, who was assistant superintendent of the Paradise Valley sanitarium and hospital portions of this tumor were cut out and filtered through a triple od porcelain bergfeld filter which gave about 10 micron filtration the virus could readily pass through a filter of this degree of closeness the test tubes that are that are used are shown here are irradiated for 24 hours with neon argon or Krypton gas which I like the fluorescent light the radiation causes the virus to become virulent rife could then grow tumors and weeks instead of months and the art what this radiation



he touched his were placed on a water two inch water vacuum and irradiated our 24 hours. as I progressed up the test tube holder everything is flame to sterilize the bacteria sterilize the cotton and held it and the and the solutions. Every time one test tube disappears. That means that there's an elapsed time of 24 hours



between the radiation of the the lights in the show some of the experimental animals in the basement.



I've had over 1000 animals, mostly albino rats. The rats were injected with a very tiny needle from the virus that he had filtered and isolated. And the tumors would be allowed to grow to be two or three times two or three grams heavier than the rat. Now these are some of the rats that you see now. pryv head man that about 12 men that worked in this laboratory to keep everything spotlessly clean sterilized. The next picture shows the injecting of the cancer virus and the rat, the mammary gland was used or the rat because I came out of the mammary gland of a human breast mass. Rat was given a partial anesthesia to avoid the shock of the needle. And the virus was injected in the rat pointer the injection is shown on the forward part of the rat. rife would then allow the cancer tumors to grow. And there you can see the tumor in the rat. He was surgically removed the tumor and treat the rap with his ray tube instruments. Which frequencies would devitalized the cancer virus without harm to the human or the animal cells or the rat right he is high powered glasses for his operations. In order to get down to the fine details of the removal, tumor is tied off and cut away. And which via the cancer virus can again be isolated from that tumor and, and going into other rats with the injections have over 400 times to prove that the virus that he isolated was the cause of the cancer tumor shows a tumor coming out of triple distilled water and a portion of that tumor is being cut away. So that you can observe the cancer virus under rice microscopes. right that the only microscopes in the world that could see the cancer virus or any other virus alive and he studied them for years, which is all recorded on the polarity research manual. And the first section called electron therapy. Everything that you see is triple distill. This is triple distilled water going in you're going to gently grind up the cancer tumor to extract the virus. This is a bergfeld filter a porcelain filter. Similar to Dresden China unglazed. The liquid material is poured into the test tube and a drop is removed from that liquid. Which rifle is shortly placed on a slide which has been sterilized with flame. illiquid material is withdrawn from a micropipette made by arrive into the solution and a drop is placed on the slide and covered with a cover slip. Made Of course right if you use court slides because light pass through better than glass. How the ray tube is a ball craft which will be turned on later to kill a virus.



The instrument is to the left or right the black instrument which is a ray tube instrument it consists of being a transmitter which Ryf could tune the frequencies which he knew would kill the virus just like a voice would crack a glass these are the first pictures ever made of the cancer virus



is cancer materials where multiple streamline shapes like a fish which right said would travel at speeds of 400 miles per hour if it if the comparable distance were measured on an ordinary air. This is a air bubble coming in from the right hand side of the slide because the slide was not sealed.



All right, we'll have turn on the right tube instrument which will activate the light it'll have a little flash and that'll be all it is to kill all the virus on the room just on for a few seconds. This instrument this ray tube instrument had a capacity of 500 watts which would transmit this energy 10 to 12 miles in the hole around the whole area. This shows the virus after has been treated with the right to have instruments



which has a resonant frequency they kill the virus and they are all clumped together. agglutinating in the field shows the gray colors I mean, not the colors but the



ray emanations. You'll see the colors pretty soon lethal frequencies how the electromagnetic emanations are shown here in these first slides ever made of Scylla scope patterns which are shown in the Detroit electronic convention in 1942. These spikes are these frequencies are primarily the killers of the virus which actually internal energy is build up in the virus and they just disintegrate into pieces. So there is no life left to to grow again. various frequencies that can be generated by an oscillator are put on a carrier wave in the diathermy range, which range from 13 million cycles per second up to 42 million cycles per second shows the amplification of the signal going into the carrier wave and the slower frequencies are now are being shown which they can be varied with harmonics and other square wave waveforms that were later found to be much more effective than sine wave or triangular wave or other waveforms that have been tried for years. This is an Abrams oscillator a deadbeat oscillator that generated the frequencies which you see here for the spikes coming up to kill the cancer virus or any other virus. Worms were also devitalized up to 10 feet long. With a few seconds treatment, Rive tests today rooms, deadbeat oscillator and found that it worked also in addition to his own, like drum magnetic energy systems. This research has all been suppressed by the American Medical Association by Morris Fishbein, who also tried to suppress all of the reports and scientific publications from the rife Research Laboratory. Principal publications of the of the microscope, one of the Research on Cancer and many other diseases was published by the Smithsonian Institution, and by the Franklin Institute, in 1944. copies of this document will be made available for any person wishing to secure one rifle was demonstrating here that five frequencies could be put on the same carrier wave which was unheard of at that time. A person that benefited from this was a telephone company. And today I understand they're using over 100 frequencies on the same carrier wave.



This work was in conjunction with Coolidge of General Electric who furnish the ray tubes. This is a picture of the interior of the Laboratory of john f crane in San Diego years later. And the instruments were set up again to do further research from 1950 to the present time This is an optical bench long or studying the telegraph work and also bacteria work. This is elites optical bench in which the microscope can be put over that can be either horizontal or vertical, and was mounted on spring so it'd be free of the air shocks. This is a petrographic, a micro polar scope used by rife for chemical analysis and for observation of the bacteria and virus, which was transmitted up through the 40 inch bellows on the lates optical bench so that one of micrographs can be made of the bacteria and other entities. This is a number to microscope. This is the number four microscope built by rife that his assistance.



Right was a great machinist until about die maker was working with him at all time.



These are the controls of the estimate, that's the fine adjustment and the coarse adjustment on the top and the back, I'm demonstrating the use controls to see them this instrument was a loop which was won for the neon or argon or Krypton or Xenon gas. So the test tubes could provide radiation to get the cancer virus verlin. This is a kind of rotating Risley prism in which the the rays of the light or transmitted up through the instrument to stain the virus, what's the frequency of light so the view of the close up via the universal, rife universal microscope showing the dark field illuminator on the right side, which swung down into position for darkfield illumination of syphilis, bacteria, and other darkfield bacteria.



Right free first, all all other bacteria including streptococcus staphylococcus strep with leprosy, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, strep throat and many other diseases. microscope was also used for measuring and angles of crystals. And crystallography as you can see it can be rotated through three planes. And they the slide can be moved back and forth up and down, in or in and out. And whatever angle needed to be measured could be measured with a protractor indicator on the back of the microscope by the top which was also coordinated with the angles of the movements that you just saw. The lights underneath the base of the microscope could be moved back and forth to use different types of light such as infrared, ultraviolet, monochromatic beam light, and any other light that was desired.



microscope and prisms on went through both sides of it. This is a patented right rifle microscope lamp which took an ordinary automobile 21 candle power ball and boosted it up to 1200 candlepower with the reflector on the bottom what you see there and the condenser lens at the top of the unit. This is a van leeuwenhoek hanging dropped microscope first developed around 1600 by a Dutchman in Europe and what she could see large bacteria like paramecium and other units microorganisms This is the regs regional research instrument, which change the ohms from 100,000 ohms to a million ohms and steps at one old to vary the frequencies used in this rate to what you're seeing here. Now, this is the inside of the right tube activated by 1000 volts which helium gas was used to cause the radiation to kill the virus a cancer and other viruses, this is a standard X ray tube converted with the helium gas so that it can be used and that shows the change in the resonant frequencies to get different intensities of the light. How are we going back to the original photo micrograph of the cancer virus and a new one that I patented now I mean, I copyrighted in 1955. And was this is a bacteria, all typhoid cells type falsus in which the bacteria has three virus, one at the bottom, which you'd see one at the side, and one at the top. One, the polarity is negative in the body, the virus remain in the bacteria but when it gets to negative, they're compression. They're they're extruded from the bacteria when it's positive or they remain in the bacteria and there's no disease. The feelers are shown on the lower right hand portion of this picture that's done with a stain that Rive developed to show the feelers this was a dinner meeting and Dr. Milbank Johnson MD is home in Pasadena honoring rife and Dr. Arthur I can't know of Northwestern University Medical School. This is the 40 doctors that attended that dinner. And they had Dr. Rufus Ron kleinsmith president of USC was there. And his university was used to sponsor a clinic in 1934, which cured 16 hopeless cases. These pictures were taken after I passed away in 1972. Showing a universal microscope again, lower portion of it as one of the six rated instruments that were built by Allied industries, which I own. These instruments were built by Kennedy of San Francisco


28:01  This is the rife Research Laboratory, Point Loma California, this is royal rife, you, research scientist of this laboratory is narrated by john crane. The principal scientist in this laboratory was royal our right ri Effie who had worked in Research on Cancer and many other diseases from 1920 to 1942.


This is the chemical apparatus of the laboratory part of it. cultures are in this cabinet which had to be protected from the radiation of the electromagnetic energy developed by rice ray tube instruments were many sterilizers in the laboratory, one being 15 feet long for the sterilization of glassware and other research items. These are hot water steam hears there was a complete machine shop in the laboratory for to work making microscopes and providing any of the facilities needed for the research.


This research was sponsored by the rife virus microscope Institute. I live lab incorporated and by the john f crane Corporation. Shut up for continuing rice research. Every room was completed itself nothing was taken from one room to another.


Ryan was a world traveler and a great marksman had 40 of the most beautiful guns made in those days.


This is rice office, his desk. This is the vault where he kept some radium and other valuable materials used in the experiments on cancer. Rise had about 1000 albino rats in the basement. Like she used to grow tumors from a virus he isolated a cancer virus which was isolated and injected into the rats.


These are steam sterilizers and I sterilization room. This is a surgery room in which the glassware and other


surgery items were used in the operations on the ranch by rife This is the main surgery table or the riots rats were there other animals were are operated on. These are pictures of the surgical instruments used by rife. Rice was assisted by many MDS that worked with him during this research. This is the optical room in which the microscopes and the optical elites optical bench is shown in the background. With his universal microscope the rife microscope published by the Smithsonian Institution on the Franklin Institute. This was one of five instruments that arrived designed and built with the help of his colleagues This is a million Vo x ray. This is a stop motion photo micrograph machine that was used to make delayed versions of the growing flowers or the growing of viruses growing of plants growing warms, which are all recorded. This is a skinnier research camera 35 millimeter that Ryan used in his work. And this is a number two microscope a virus microscope was a pressmen prismatic instrument. And this is a number three universal microscope, prismatic type that bought it all fields of microscopy, including dark field polarized polarized light, infrared light, ultraviolet light, and monochromatic beam light. The indicator dial moved around seven times to move the object up and down one micron and it was a very sensitive instrument. The ocular that you see on the left side on the middle of the instrument on that wasn't plugged in and made it a standard microscope. An isolating cancer virus in 1931 Rive took a non ulcerated human breast mass from a paradise valley sanitarium donated by Dr. Artie hammer, who was assistant superintendent of the Paradise Valley sanitarium and hospital portions of this tumor were cut out and filtered through a triple od porcelain bergfeld filter which gave about 10 micron filtration the virus could readily pass through a filter of this degree of closeness the test tubes that are that are used are shown here are irradiated for 24 hours with neon argon or Krypton gas which I like the fluorescent light the radiation causes the virus to become virulent rife could then grow tumors and weeks instead of months and the art what this radiation


he touched his were placed on a water two inch water vacuum and irradiated our 24 hours. as I progressed up the test tube holder everything is flame to sterilize the bacteria sterilize the cotton and held it and the and the solutions. Every time one test tube disappears. That means that there's an elapsed time of 24 hours


between the radiation of the the lights in the show some of the experimental animals in the basement.


I've had over 1000 animals, mostly albino rats. The rats were injected with a very tiny needle from the virus that he had filtered and isolated. And the tumors would be allowed to grow to be two or three times two or three grams heavier than the rat. Now these are some of the rats that you see now. pryv head man that about 12 men that worked in this laboratory to keep everything spotlessly clean sterilized. The next picture shows the injecting of the cancer virus and the rat, the mammary gland was used or the rat because I came out of the mammary gland of a human breast mass. Rat was given a partial anesthesia to avoid the shock of the needle. And the virus was injected in the rat pointer the injection is shown on the forward part of the rat. rife would then allow the cancer tumors to grow. And there you can see the tumor in the rat. He was surgically removed the tumor and treat the rap with his ray tube instruments. Which frequencies would devitalized the cancer virus without harm to the human or the animal cells or the rat right he is high powered glasses for his operations. In order to get down to the fine details of the removal, tumor is tied off and cut away. And which via the cancer virus can again be isolated from that tumor and, and going into other rats with the injections have over 400 times to prove that the virus that he isolated was the cause of the cancer tumor shows a tumor coming out of triple distilled water and a portion of that tumor is being cut away. So that you can observe the cancer virus under rice microscopes. right that the only microscopes in the world that could see the cancer virus or any other virus alive and he studied them for years, which is all recorded on the polarity research manual. And the first section called electron therapy. Everything that you see is triple distill. This is triple distilled water going in you're going to gently grind up the cancer tumor to extract the virus. This is a bergfeld filter a porcelain filter. Similar to Dresden China unglazed. The liquid material is poured into the test tube and a drop is removed from that liquid. Which rifle is shortly placed on a slide which has been sterilized with flame. illiquid material is withdrawn from a micropipette made by arrive into the solution and a drop is placed on the slide and covered with a cover slip. Made Of course right if you use court slides because light pass through better than glass. How the ray tube is a ball craft which will be turned on later to kill a virus.


The instrument is to the left or right the black instrument which is a ray tube instrument it consists of being a transmitter which Ryf could tune the frequencies which he knew would kill the virus just like a voice would crack a glass these are the first pictures ever made of the cancer virus


is cancer materials where multiple streamline shapes like a fish which right said would travel at speeds of 400 miles per hour if it if the comparable distance were measured on an ordinary air. This is a air bubble coming in from the right hand side of the slide because the slide was not sealed.


All right, we'll have turn on the right tube instrument which will activate the light it'll have a little flash and that'll be all it is to kill all the virus on the room just on for a few seconds. This instrument this ray tube instrument had a capacity of 500 watts which would transmit this energy 10 to 12 miles in the hole around the whole area. This shows the virus after has been treated with the right to have instruments


which has a resonant frequency they kill the virus and they are all clumped together. agglutinating in the field shows the gray colors I mean, not the colors but the


ray emanations. You'll see the colors pretty soon lethal frequencies how the electromagnetic emanations are shown here in these first slides ever made of Scylla scope patterns which are shown in the Detroit electronic convention in 1942. These spikes are these frequencies are primarily the killers of the virus which actually internal energy is build up in the virus and they just disintegrate into pieces. So there is no life left to to grow again. various frequencies that can be generated by an oscillator are put on a carrier wave in the diathermy range, which range from 13 million cycles per second up to 42 million cycles per second shows the amplification of the signal going into the carrier wave and the slower frequencies are now are being shown which they can be varied with harmonics and other square wave waveforms that were later found to be much more effective than sine wave or triangular wave or other waveforms that have been tried for years. This is an Abrams oscillator a deadbeat oscillator that generated the frequencies which you see here for the spikes coming up to kill the cancer virus or any other virus. Worms were also devitalized up to 10 feet long. With a few seconds treatment, Rive tests today rooms, deadbeat oscillator and found that it worked also in addition to his own, like drum magnetic energy systems. This research has all been suppressed by the American Medical Association by Morris Fishbein, who also tried to suppress all of the reports and scientific publications from the rife Research Laboratory. Principal publications of the of the microscope, one of the Research on Cancer and many other diseases was published by the Smithsonian Institution, and by the Franklin Institute, in 1944. copies of this document will be made available for any person wishing to secure one rifle was demonstrating here that five frequencies could be put on the same carrier wave which was unheard of at that time. A person that benefited from this was a telephone company. And today I understand they're using over 100 frequencies on the same carrier wave.


This work was in conjunction with Coolidge of General Electric who furnish the ray tubes. This is a picture of the interior of the Laboratory of john f crane in San Diego years later. And the instruments were set up again to do further research from 1950 to the present time This is an optical bench long or studying the telegraph work and also bacteria work. This is elites optical bench in which the microscope can be put over that can be either horizontal or vertical, and was mounted on spring so it'd be free of the air shocks. This is a petrographic, a micro polar scope used by rife for chemical analysis and for observation of the bacteria and virus, which was transmitted up through the 40 inch bellows on the lates optical bench so that one of micrographs can be made of the bacteria and other entities. This is a number to microscope. This is the number four microscope built by rife that his assistance.


Right was a great machinist until about die maker was working with him at all time.


These are the controls of the estimate, that's the fine adjustment and the coarse adjustment on the top and the back, I'm demonstrating the use controls to see them this instrument was a loop which was won for the neon or argon or Krypton or Xenon gas. So the test tubes could provide radiation to get the cancer virus verlin. This is a kind of rotating Risley prism in which the the rays of the light or transmitted up through the instrument to stain the virus, what's the frequency of light so the view of the close up via the universal, rife universal microscope showing the dark field illuminator on the right side, which swung down into position for darkfield illumination of syphilis, bacteria, and other darkfield bacteria.


Right free first, all all other bacteria including streptococcus staphylococcus strep with leprosy, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, strep throat and many other diseases. microscope was also used for measuring and angles of crystals. And crystallography as you can see it can be rotated through three planes. And they the slide can be moved back and forth up and down, in or in and out. And whatever angle needed to be measured could be measured with a protractor indicator on the back of the microscope by the top which was also coordinated with the angles of the movements that you just saw. The lights underneath the base of the microscope could be moved back and forth to use different types of light such as infrared, ultraviolet, monochromatic beam light, and any other light that was desired.


microscope and prisms on went through both sides of it. This is a patented right rifle microscope lamp which took an ordinary automobile 21 candle power ball and boosted it up to 1200 candlepower with the reflector on the bottom what you see there and the condenser lens at the top of the unit. This is a van leeuwenhoek hanging dropped microscope first developed around 1600 by a Dutchman in Europe and what she could see large bacteria like paramecium and other units microorganisms This is the regs regional research instrument, which change the ohms from 100,000 ohms to a million ohms and steps at one old to vary the frequencies used in this rate to what you're seeing here. Now, this is the inside of the right tube activated by 1000 volts which helium gas was used to cause the radiation to kill the virus a cancer and other viruses, this is a standard X ray tube converted with the helium gas so that it can be used and that shows the change in the resonant frequencies to get different intensities of the light. How are we going back to the original photo micrograph of the cancer virus and a new one that I patented now I mean, I copyrighted in 1955. And was this is a bacteria, all typhoid cells type falsus in which the bacteria has three virus, one at the bottom, which you'd see one at the side, and one at the top. One, the polarity is negative in the body, the virus remain in the bacteria but when it gets to negative, they're compression. They're they're extruded from the bacteria when it's positive or they remain in the bacteria and there's no disease. The feelers are shown on the lower right hand portion of this picture that's done with a stain that Rive developed to show the feelers this was a dinner meeting and Dr. Milbank Johnson MD is home in Pasadena honoring rife and Dr. Arthur I can't know of Northwestern University Medical School. This is the 40 doctors that attended that dinner. And they had Dr. Rufus Ron kleinsmith president of USC was there. And his university was used to sponsor a clinic in 1934, which cured 16 hopeless cases. These pictures were taken after I passed away in 1972. Showing a universal microscope again, lower portion of it as one of the six rated instruments that were built by Allied industries, which I own. These instruments were built by Kennedy of San Francisco


had a clinic in 34, in La Jolla, Doctor, friend of mine in Los Angeles, where he was one of the big insurance company and a millionaire. He was a medical politician. And he had a big kind of show these boys. And so we had this clinic, I didn't want to go. And shortly after Magellan scripts died out there, and he went into scripts home, we run a clinic out there. It was there 90 days, we actually I would say 70 days, we did actual clinical work. And first I told him I wanted to order around on this committee with a group of six have the biggest menu to pick in the United States. This is your partition with fisher of New York, New York stocks of Pasadena. And I don't want album for both of us, of course. Good lord. If you look to the 1000 tissues to album one, as I said he is the president of the American Association of pathologists. And I said his name on every one of the cases we want you to organize a special medical research committee under a bonafide University, which we did under the University of Southern California with Dr. Johnson contributed their library and so on and so forth twice a week there. Were on the clinic. We got through it all report photographs before and after. Does that matter? 16 cases. At the end of the time when we had our meeting, Athletic Club up there why this board printed All of our cases on some of these cases, we had elected a doctor here in town to carry on this work. To carry on finish up on some of these bases wasn't quite sure yet



had a clinic in 34, in La Jolla, Doctor, friend of mine in Los Angeles, where he was one of the big insurance company and a millionaire. He was a medical politician. And he had a big kind of show these boys. And so we had this clinic, I didn't want to go. And shortly after Magellan scripts died out there, and he went into scripts home, we run a clinic out there. It was there 90 days, we actually I would say 70 days, we did actual clinical work. And first I told him I wanted to order around on this committee with a group of six have the biggest menu to pick in the United States. This is your partition with fisher of New York, New York stocks of Pasadena. And I don't want album for both of us, of course. Good lord. If you look to the 1000 tissues to album one, as I said he is the president of the American Association of pathologists. And I said his name on every one of the cases we want you to organize a special medical research committee under a bonafide University, which we did under the University of Southern California with Dr. Johnson contributed their library and so on and so forth twice a week there. Were on the clinic. We got through it all report photographs before and after. Does that matter? 16 cases. At the end of the time when we had our meeting, Athletic Club up there why this board printed All of our cases on some of these cases, we had elected a doctor here in town to carry on this work. To carry on finish up on some of these bases wasn't quite sure yet