Sherri Tenpenny: Beyond Mercury and Other Toxins in Vaccines

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3 years


Hello, this is Dr. Jay Davidson from Dr. J I'm excited to watch this very special interview of the detox project. today. My guest is Dr. Sherry tenpenny. And we're going to talk about looking beyond mercury. Are there other toxins in vaccines? But before we do, let me tell you a little bit about Dr. tenpenny. Dr. tenpenny is an outspoken advocate for free choice in healthcare, including the right to refuse vaccination. And internationally known speaker she's highly sought after for her ability to present scientifically sound information regarding vaccine hazards and warnings that are rarely portrayed by conventional medicine. Most importantly, she offers hope through her unique treatments offered at the tenpenny integrative Medical Center for those who have been vaccine injured. Dr. tenpenny is also an expert on women's breast health and the use of iodine for disease. Dr. tenpenny is a graduate of the University of Toledo in Toledo, Ohio. She's received her medical training at kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in kirksville, Missouri, Dr. tenpenny was board certified in emergency medicine from 1995 to 2005, when she chose not to renew her board certification, because she had no intention of ever working in emergency department again. She has been board certified osteopathic manipulative medicine since 1995. In 2011, she gains certification through the American Board of integrative and holistic medicine. Needless to say, I'm a huge fan of Dr. tenpenny. And Dr. tenpenny, I want to welcome you to the detox project. Thank you so much, Jay. It's a pleasure to be here. Well, I am excited to dive into this topic, because I feel like this is a topic that's definitely not covered in the mainstream, just like even in your bio really talks about and I guess where I want to start with, if you don't mind in the vaccine category is talking about something called an adjuvant? Can you just define what that is and how that's even used in vaccines?



Yeah, sure how vaccines are made is that they have a virus in them, a piece of bacteria in them that the assumption is, is that if you attenuate or deaden or weakened the virus, or you just take a little piece of the bacterial wall, and you combine it with sailing solution, or sterile water and injected into the body, then you will create an immune response that will keep you from getting sick. That's the presumption and that's the theory behind vaccines is that the shot will give you an antibody that is supposed to protect you and keep you from getting sick, which it really doesn't, because there are 1000s of cases out there. And many published studies that show that people have high antibody levels, but they've contracted the illness anyways. And so the presumption is is that all that's coming through that needle when you take when you as an adult, or you take your child in to be vaccinated is this shot of sterile water with a little bit of virus or a little bit of bacteria in it. But instead of that, the vaccine all can contains all of these different things called adjutants. And Agilent is the substance added to produce a very high antibody response, so that they can use smaller amounts of the virus or the bacterial particles, that because of the productive production quality of how these things are made, and they want to use less virus and less bacteria bacterial cell wall. And if they have this ad given in there, then when they inject the vaccine into your muscle, what is supposed to happen is the Adjutant is supposed to hold it at that location in the muscle for an extended period of time. So your white blood cells can pass by the viruses that are being held in your muscle in order to create an immune response to develop this antibody. Um, some of the early edge events that they used included things like bread crumbs, and tapioca and starch and oil, and all sorts of things in order to create an antibody response to some of the earliest vaccines which included tetanus and diphtheria. So you can imagine injecting those things into your body is not a really good idea. In fact, I Gary Matsumoto his book which is called vaccine a, he gave what I thought was the very best description of that ever, when he said, you know, you can eat a cheeseburger and feel pretty well the next day, but if you took that cheeseburger and you put it in a in your Vitamix, and your blender, and you made a solution out of it injected into your arm, things may not go so well. So there's a so there's a really big difference between injection and ingestion. And so you can ingest gelatin like you do with jello and it's just fine. you inject it into your arm, which we'll talk about a little bit later and you have a horrible reaction and all kinds of problems that can occur.



So the Agilent is supposed to work by holding those things in place. And they're supposed to accelerate the active activation of the immune system. The problem is, is that once you accelerate that activation of the immune system, it's not like an on off switch that you flip the button on. And when you don't want the immune response anymore, you flipped the button off. There's no way to do that. And so therefore, by adding these add events, which are primarily aluminum,



there's no there's no way to turn it off. And the long term effects and consequences really can be unknown. The other thing about that is that there really haven't been any studies done on when you inject that Agilent with the virus and bacterial particles into your arm. How long does it literally stay at that location? Is it an hour? Is it six hours is a 12 hours? Is that a day is it a week, there are a few animal studies that came out of the early like 1920s and 1930s, that showed that when you inject the aluminum into the arm, it doesn't stay there very long, it might be a matter of minutes before it starts to disperse into the system. And when you allow these edge events to go into the system, a long list of problems can occur. And one of the problems with with these arguments, particularly aluminum, is after more than 75 years of use. And I have two very long documents. I think each document is about 1300 pages printed out. They were transcripts of adjutant and aluminum discussions that were held at the FDA and their division of vaccinology called sieber SCB er, that after 75 years of use, researchers still admit that the mechanism of action for using these is not understood. And they just continue to use it even though there's more than 1600 articles in the animal literature that shows the difficulties and the problems associated with these aluminum adjutants. We continue to use aluminum in these vaccines, even though we don't know what we're doing. We don't know what the long term effects are. And we don't know how to turn off a reaction once it started. Wow. So I mean, my basic understanding of a vaccine is that it may be even backing up just a little bit more. So when they're looking at vaccine research, you know that obviously, the pharmaceutical companies are making these vaccines, they're doing the they're paying for the research. They're looking in order for what they call an effective vaccine. They're basically looking to have an antibody response on lab testing, basically. So they inject a vaccine, it raises an antibody, they would say that wasn't an effective vaccine. But you're saying an effective vaccine is obviously one that prevents you from getting a disease. In other words, there would prevent you from getting something. Yes, and that's sort of a play on words. In my opinion. It's like saying, you know, the word too, are you saying t o t o r t, who when you say that word, you have to understand it in context. So when the drug companies say the vaccine is effective, they're telling the truth, it is effective, the vaccine has done what it was intended to do that once it's injected into your muscle absorbed into your bloodstream and an antibody is created, then that means it is an effective vaccine, it did what it was supposed to do create an antibody. But then the vaccine industry takes it a step farther with an assumption that the the antibody that is created, they call it a protective antibody, which means the mere presence of that antibody is supposed to neutralize the virus or bacteria that it was created against, and should automatically keep you from getting sick. But it doesn't so effective and protective, are not synonyms. They are two different words. And they have two different meanings. And you can have an antibody, which is nothing more than a marker of contamination, we've injected something into the body of your child or into your body. The immune system said this is a bunch of junk I need to do whatever I can to get this out of here. Let's create this antibody to sort of neutralize and then make it go away. And then it has a long term ramification. It stays around for months, too many years. But again, eventually the body uses it has is the great conserver of amino acids and different things that it's created, that it doesn't need anymore. And you get rid of this antibody, you start to break it down and use the different amino acids for different things. That's why the false immunity if you can call it that or the false manufacturer are the false protection of a vaccine that creates this antibody is temporary. It doesn't last forever. The antibodies go away. That's why the drug companies say yes they go away now we can give you a booster and it doesn't engage the full both the th one and the th two side of the immune system the th two side of the immune system. If you get a real infection whether it's flu or chickenpox or measles, you engage both sides. The th two side is the longest



term side that says that creates the long term antibodies against the real infection. And it does that and remains long term, because it has engaged the th one side of the occasion of the equation, which is your macrophages, your white blood cells, your cytokines, fever, the importance of fever, all these other things. So you have both sides engaged and that's what induces a long term protection against future infection. But an injectable substance that creates an antibody only does not protect you. So just to clarify, so th one th two those are basically like kind of different sides or different arms of the immune system. It's like a teeter totter you got to have you know, if you were out in the in the playground and on a teeter totter, you know, you want to keep that teeter totter kind of imbalance, you don't want one side real high and the other side real low, which is what vaccines do, they push the th two side really super high, but they do nothing on the th one side. So it's out of balance, your immune system is out of balance and the ability to protect you from future infection doesn't happen. Well in the out of balance the teeter totter, which I love your analogy. So basically when that gets out of kilter out of balance, that's autoimmunity.



It is and there's another form of autoimmunity with the antibodies that are created by these vaccines is that if there's let's say you've created an antibody against measles, you'd get the MMR vaccine, you have an antibody that's been induced against the measles virus. And then that antibody floats around for a while and there's no measles virus anywhere for it to glob on to and neutralize. But the antibody, if you can conceptually Think of how this looks like it looks a little bit like and they draw it in the literature, it looks like a pitchfork. So it's got two arms and a hand a handle. And that's actually what an antibody looks like under a microscope. That's what it looks like chemically. And in the medical literature, when they're trying to draw a picture of what an antibody looks like, it really looks like a pitchfork. And so there's mouth of the pitchfork, and then they've got the handle. So the mouth of the pitchfork is looking for the measles virus and looking for a particular amino acid sequence on the surface of the virus that that Pitchfork can plug into, and glom on to and neutralize. Well, if there's no measles virus running around there, that Pitchfork starts looking for things that look very similar to it, which could be your pancreas, or your joints, or your neurological system, or your kidneys, different things that look in amino acid sequence that looks very similar. And that mouth of that Pitchfork goes in globs on to it and starts an entire cascade of inflammatory reactions. That entire process is called molecular mimicry. And the molecular mimicry then, is the initiation of autoimmune disease. That is one of the main side effects that comes out of vaccination or the I won't call it a side effects, I'll call it a long term consequence of vaccination is autoimmune disease, neurodegenerative disorders, long lists of those published in the medical literature. And it's because this antibody finds something that looks very similar. And if it happens to glob on to your pancreas and makes your pancreas stop working, you end up with diabetes. If it starts to glob on to your joints, and starts to cause this inflammatory cascade, you could end up with something that looks like rheumatoid arthritis, if it's your kidneys, it could be something that looks like lupus, if it's in your brain, it could be something that looks like Alzheimer's. And so all of this induction of the immune system by this false premise that you need to get this injection so that you don't suffer from one or two weeks of inconvenience, because these childhood illnesses, I hate it when they call them diseases or diseases, something like a brain tumor, or Ms. These are infections that come and go for a week or two. And what we're trying to do with all this mass vaccination is to avoid a fever, a cough, a rash, and possibly some diarrhea and the vast majority of people so to avoid a couple of weeks of discomfort and inconvenience, we are really willing to exchange that for a lifetime of chronic illness. Wow. So I mean, basically there's two different ways that vaccines really affect autoimmunity, then the th one th two and then this other thing called molecular mimicry. In other words, correct. Yeah. Which I think is such a huge point to consider Dr. tenpenny. But is if you look at diseases right now, I mean, more and more of them are being classified in the autoimmune category. I mean, right now there's over 200 different diseases. I've seen a literature that are now being classified as autoimmune so I think autoimmunity is such an important thing that we need to pay attention to. What's your take on that and being a physician? Well, absolutely. And what we are doing instead of inducing protection, we are inducing tolerance and the end the time



Tolerance means that everything goes out of balance. And the the molecular mimicry starts an entire cascade of a long list of of illnesses. In fact, Dr. J, that is, in my opinion, why the vaccine industry fights so vehemently hard to protect the vaccine industry, because it's the economic loss leader for the entire pharmaceutical industry. And anybody that's in business understands what a loss leader is, it's the thing you give away free to get people to come in your store. So it's like, come into the store. And, you know, even if it's like a massage clinic, you know, come on in, and we'll give you a free five minute shoulders chair massage. And while we're there, we'll tell you about all of our other services. So the idea of a loss leader is to get people to come into your store, or to buy your product or test out your product for free. And then if you like it, now, we're going to sell you a big old book of business. It's just a normal way of doing business, actually, in the vaccine industry, which when I started doing this, and researching this back in September of 2000, at that time, it was about a $10 billion a year industry, it's now over 55 billion. And I got a press release last week, that said that the vaccine industry is now making more money than all of the drug industry combined. And I think when you look at the sale of vaccines, you look at the workups of people from vaccines that get sick. And now that you're sick from the vaccine, which was the economic loss leader, we have to do this because it keeps you from getting sick and and it's healthy for you. And it's good for you. And oh, by the way, we're going to pass laws to force you to take it if you don't want to. Because once you get sick from the injection of this substance into your body, we've got a trillion dollar book of business over here that we can sell you all the biologics which are about 18 $100 a dose or more, we have a long, long list of blood tests and x rays and things that we can do to test you to make sure it was something else. And it was not the vaccine. It's a huge business and they fight so hard to protect it, because the rest of the drug industry is kind of going in a bad way in terms of their thought process, because most of their drugs are going off of patent which means they can now become generic. So their billion dollar blockbuster drugs are now becoming generics because they only have a short patent protection on them. There's no new drugs or anything coming on the market or classifications of drugs, because everything else in the creating now is what they call me to drugs, which is very similar to something that's already on the market. So they've got to bolster up this industry in order to keep it going. So the vaccines are now industry, the sector of the pharmaceutical industry, vaccines are have had about a 16 to 17% annualized growth, in terms of making more vaccines, selling more vaccines, selling more drugs, because of vaccines, injuries, selling more tests, because of vaccine industries. It's the the balloon that's floating up the entire industry. And as more and more people get educated about what's in vaccines and say, I don't want that injected into me or my kids, I'm going to err on the side of staying healthy and other ways. They're getting really nervous because you cannot maintain a $1.6 trillion industry on the backs of healthy, unvaccinated children and adult. And that's why we're starting to see this big ramp up in these mandates, and forcing parents to inject their kids that don't want to inject them, just like what happened with sb 277 in California, which took away the parent's right to refuse just what's happened in the healthcare industry, that you can't refuse a flu shot if you want to keep your job. So the entire thing is being boiled up by a very nervous pharmaceutical industry. That's saying, we have to keep our economy going here. And since they are in the pockets of all of our politicians, they can go in and get them to pass laws to force these injections on people to keep their business going. It's a dirty rotten business. Dr. J. It's just awful. Yeah, well, I always I just think of it it's it's follow the money. I mean, there's there's such a financial gain, and you said 55 billion. I mean, that's just insane the amount of money. So getting back to an Agilent Dr. tenpenny. So basically, those are chemicals that they add to the vaccine, and then those chemicals are what actually stimulate the antibody response from a vaccine. That's correct and the only adjutants that have been actually approved for use in the US market. And there are several other back edge events that are used globally, but the only ones that are approved for use in the US market are several different are there four different forms of aluminum, it's aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, aluminum, potassium phosphate, and a big long one which is aluminum hydroxide.



phosphates sulfate.



At the end of the day, it's all about the aluminum and aluminum is a really bad deal. Yeah, well, I mean, the mainstream media definitely portrays, you know, Mercury as the the ingredient and oh, we removed them from vaccines. So now vaccines, you know, are fine. There's no mercury in them. So what was the timeline on mercury being put into vaccines? Are they still in vaccines? Are they in some of them? Have they removed them? I mean, what's the status on the mercury? Well, it was back in 2004, I believe is when they when suddenly somebody sat down and did the math. And realize it was actually it was actually when they 2004 was when they removed it, when they actually did the math was around 2001, somebody actually sat down and looked at all the vaccines that children were getting, and did the math of how much mercury they were getting in each if they got the full series of vaccines. And what they found was that children were receiving up to 237 micrograms of mercury, per if they got the entire series, and any amount of mercury is toxic. And so it was when somebody started noticing that there was congressional hearings, and and Congress was saying, you know, Mercury is the most toxic element on the planet, we guard against mercury and fish, and mercury in emissions factory emissions. And we've done away with mercury thermometers, because it's so toxic, and here, we're injecting 237 micrograms into our babies, we have to stop that. So in 2004, they told the manufacturers to take the mercury out of the vaccines now, they didn't issue a product recall, they didn't say any vaccine you have out there on the shelves and or in pediatricians offices, we need a recall and get that stuff off the shelves right now. What they said was, well, as we use it up, just make something safer. Now contrast that to three or four cases of failed breaks, or are these new things that what was really talking about lately, like these floaty things, or something that suddenly start on fire like these skateboards or something? Yeah, they recall, like 500,000 of them, like right now, because three people got hurt. So millions of kids continued to get injured by the by the mercury. And by 2006. Mercury was out of most of the vaccines. The only thing that still contains the mercury is flu shots, well enter this little phenomenon. As they were taking the mercury out. They were loading the vaccines up with more and more aluminum. And as they were adding more and more aluminum into the vaccines, they re introduced the flu shot with mercury in it starting at six months of age. And what's really horrific about that is that aluminum impairs glutathione in your body, and glutathione is your major antioxidant. It is the one substance that helps you to detox all kinds of stuff out of your system. Well, aluminum not only impairs the production of glutathione in your system, the combination of aluminum and Mercury, aluminum impairs the body's ability to excrete mercury. So even the tiniest little bit of mercury that's coming in through the flu shots starting at six months of age, we have to give this to children. It's making the mercury that is there even more toxic, because it's not being excreted from the body. Wow, that's it's so yeah, I mean, gluta found is our body's natural antioxidants, a strongest one, it also helps to detox. And basically, when you inject something in toxin like aluminum, it shuts that down, which is that something that it it's needed to detox chemicals. So I think that's such an important point. I mean, this is the detox project. And obviously, I mean, the whole point of what you're talking about, Dr. tenpenny is that if we're injecting toxins in this is only going to create more and more problems as we looked in the future because our buckets are basically going to keep getting fuller of chemicals and toxins. In other words, yes, and you know, the the mercury it's, well, let's talk a little bit about aluminum because we started down that path. There are 17 different vaccines with aluminum in them, including the hepatitis B that's given at birth. And the way to kind of get aluminum detox your body detox is aluminum that has been ingested or eaten. Like from aluminum cans or aluminum cookware, or baking powder. Those sorts of things are aluminum that gets in topically like aluminum through your underarm deodorant. The way that that gets out of your system is through your kidneys and through a functioning gallbladder. Well, the way that the kidneys the glomerular filtration rate, the glomerular filtration rate of kidneys in it newborns, doesn't pick up and get super functional until they're almost two months of age.



The gallbladder in a newborn doesn't really become highly functional until about two months of age. But yet we are injecting aluminum through the hepatitis B vaccine at birth. So we are creating more injury just from that, then it because the the aluminum continues to recycle and ends up in the bone marrow and different places and possibly crosses the blood brain barrier from the time the baby is born. And now at two, four and six months, we give five or six vaccines at a time, many of them that have aluminum in them. The pediatrics vaccine, which is a combination vaccine of DPT, polio, and hepatitis B. So it's one of those combinations vaccines. So sometimes they give this combination vaccine because parents are like, I don't want my kid to have five, five shots or three shots at one time. And the pediatrician says not a problem, we'll just give them one. But the one has all of these vaccines and they want injectable and that particular vaccine called pediatrics has 850 micrograms in it that went alone. Wow. And so what happens some of the problems with the combinations of these vaccines is that once you start putting all of these things together, the combined a total of aluminum is just off the charts. In fact, the FDA regulates the amount of aluminum that's recommended in an individual dose to be less than 1.2 micrograms on a typical vaccination day when children get DPT, hepatitis B, Hib, and perhaps the Prevnar vaccine, which is for strep, they get those four shots at the same time, which is really common. All of those contain aluminum. And on that day, that infant can receive 1.45 micrograms of aluminum, so almost 1.5, when the maximum dose recommended by the government is 1.2.



So the and then you do that again, at six months, at four months, and at six months, and at one year. So the amount of cumulative aluminum that's being injected is off the charts. And there are so there was one study that was done in an animal study that was done quite a while ago, that actually said that if you there's a formula that you can use that looks at the amount of aluminum in the shot, divided by the blood volume of the infant, you can calculate how much you think actually goes into the bloodstream. And the study actually showed that there were almost 36 times the amount of aluminum that would enter into the bloodstream in terms of toxicity if you did that by blood volume. And so it's a really serious problem that parents really need to understand that when they are injecting all of these vaccines at the same time, the amount of aluminum that's going into the system is just off the charts. And then fast forward to the teenage years when they start giving Gardasil, and Gardasil has 220 micrograms of aluminum per dose. And the system has already been sensitized to not only this to the aluminum and polysorbate 80, which we'll talk about in a minute. So now we've got a sensitization issue that when people get Gardasil, they have an even higher risk of having a severe reaction. It's just like, you could get stung by a be three or four times and just maybe have a little weld on your arm and a little itching, and you get stung by the bead the fifth time, and you go into anaphylaxis shock, because your body has been sensitized to that little tiny bit of bee venom, which is why sometimes when they say, oh, there's so little of these amount in these vaccines, it shouldn't really matter. Well, a little tiny bit of bee venom, or a little tiny bit of snake venom, um, can kill you. So a little tiny bit of aluminum plus Mercury, which compounds the toxicity, and then you add in gelatin and latex and formaldehyde and polysorbate 80. You have chemical soup. And it's really a travesty, in my opinion, that parents would be shamed, and browbeaten and bullied into injecting these things into their children. Because they pediatricians don't know anything about this. And parents are concerned that their child might get a fever or a cough or rash. Yeah, I love your clarification of you know, they're classified as being childhood diseases, but it's really an infection, you know, you're trying to just shorten an infection or try to avoid an infection and the distinguishing factor that can you touch on this whole idea of is this is so mind boggling. I mean, even I'm just getting so worked up hearing this because it's like, it's so many people need to understand or need to be enlightened on the toxicity effect of this, but I really want your opinion on if you were to eat, you know, 1.4 or five micrograms of aluminum versus injected what's



Difference between ingestion versus actually like, you know, injecting into the muscle that gets in the bloodstream.



Well, I think that should be self evident. If you eat something, name anything, if you eat it, it goes through your GI tract, it gets digestive enzymes and a hydrochloric acid in your stomach and betaine. And all of these things, it gets broken down in your stomach, it gets turned into stool, it gets neutralized by bile salts that come out of your gallbladder, it goes through your liver, or just passes through your elementary canal, and gets excreted from your body and stool. It doesn't get in, there's all sorts of barriers that line your GI tract that to help to prevent some of the recycling of that in your system. Even though that does occur, in fact, many of those studies that were done back in the late 1930s 1920s, and 1930s, which I just found really fascinating, when they talked about how aluminum was not safe at any dose. And there were actually congressional hearings about this back in the 20s, that they said that any amount of aluminum that that's ingested, even eaten, can be toxic. And there were all of these things, talking about baking powder and aluminum cookware, and that the aluminum salts in any form were found to be toxic into your system at quantities when they're either eaten, or they're inhaled, or they are put on your skin. And so that's all been regulated over time. But it even though that goes into your system can cause a toxicity and for the most part goes out of your body in your stool unless you're eating huge quantities. So we're not talking microgram amounts, we're talking milligrams and milligrams, maybe even kilo amounts over time, you know, which is like a multiples of 10 in terms of toxicity in your system when you're eating it. But they don't have studies that say, or they never even look at how much problems is caught being caused by the aluminum that is being injected. So as a general rule, ingesting the tiny amount, the same amount of aluminum that would come through a vaccine, you probably are eating that anyways, because so many of our products have aluminum in them, or they come from aluminum cookware or aluminum as the as is called a light metal. And it has it's the highest concentration metal like on the planet. It's in the it's in your in the yard and and in the soil. And so it gets absorbed into like root vegetables. So you're always ingesting small, tiny amounts of the aluminum. But that same amount, the same microgram amount that you're ingesting when you inject it and it has to go through your bloodstream is a completely different pathway. completely different. Yeah, I thank you for the clarity on that. I mean it yeah, it just bypasses our natural body's defense. So you mentioned obviously aluminum. You mentioned a couple other chemicals. I mean, I call them chemicals, formaldehyde polysorbate 80. Now are these also ingredients that are used in vaccines? Yeah, and I'll address that in just a second. I just want to say one additional thing about the about the cy, Marisol and about the mercury because Mercury is still in the flu shots. Whether you're an adult and adolescent or a child, you are still getting mercury injected into your system through flu shots. And now that they've decided that the nasal flumist the nasal spray for the flu shot, which is called flumist is not as effective as they would like it to be that's kind of going by the wayside which is really too bad because even though it didn't really protect people from getting the flu at least it was an option from getting an injection that it contained mercury. And what you know Mercury is called fine Marisol. And it's called fine aerosol for a reason because the Theo in it is related to sulfur. And the mayor is mercury in the south is salicylates, so phi Marisol? So when you actually look at the chemical structure of what phi Marisol is, there's a piece of it that has sulfur, a piece of it that has mercury and a piece of it that has salicylic, which is like aspirin. And it's my my assumption that all of these people that are getting injected with flu shots that have sulfur and Mercury and salicylates in them is one of the things that's contributing to these huge amounts of asthma and eczema and food allergies that we're seeing in kids and adults. Because if you're injecting something that's creating an omoove immune reaction, like we talked about previously, and you're creating a sensitivity to salicylates, well, some of the very common high salicylates foods are apples and tomatoes, and almonds and even peanuts. And I wonder nobody's done any studies on this. Nobody's probably even really investigated it. If it's



Because of the flu shots that we start giving to babies six months and one year of age, and every year of life thereafter, of sensitizing them to that piece of mercury that has like salicylates isn't contributing to all these bad peanut allergies that we're seeing across the country. Wow. I mean, it makes so much sense. And I hear more and more about salicylates and people being sensitive to them, which really could possibly stem from just a flu shot and injection that they're getting. Right then you couple it with some of the other things like we mentioned, like some of the things that are in a flu shot, there is something called Triton x 100. And Triton x 100 is a contaminant. It's a toxin, that's a it's a detergent and they use it to break open the the virus so that the immune system can react to it a little bit more. But it's a detergent that they use in paint, and other types of chemicals. And it's known to be a mitochondrial disrupter. It's disrupt the mitochondria. The mitochondria is the key to everything and like what she talked about in terms of autoimmune diseases. So that's one toxin. There's another toxin called polysorbate 80 polysorbate. 80 is used in things like confections, and, and frostings. And it's supposed to be when you put things through a tube, it's when it's something called a flow agent. But the problem with polysorbate 80 is that it is known to cause anaphylaxis reactions when it's been injected. It is known to cause infertility in female mice and in male mice, it affects the cells in the testicle that produces sperm. So polysorbate 80 can be associated and lead to problems associated with fertility and polysorbate. 80 is in large concentration or concentrations, not only in the Gardasil vaccine, but also in some of the DPT vaccines. And we're seeing more and more infertility. In fact, there was a report that came out about six weeks ago that said that teen pregnancy is at the lowest rate ever it is followed up fallen off. So shockingly, since 2006. Even the federal officials were wondering about how can this be because it's very doubtful that teens are having a whole lot less sex than they ever had. But guess what happened in 2006. That's when they introduced the Gardasil vaccine. I was just gonna say Gardasil. 2006 is when they introduced the Gardasil vaccine. And we particularly target that vaccine towards Hispanics, African Americans, and those who are incarcerated in those are the populations that generally have more teen pregnancies. The press release said it was shockingly low and they were scrambling trying to figure out what it could possibly be. Well, in my opinion, it's because this polysorbate 80 in the Gardasil vaccine is re sensitizing them to the polysorbate 80. That happened when they got their DPT vaccines, sort of like the bees sting analogy they got the little bit earlier. Now when you reintroduce a much larger amount at a later age, you shut down ovarian function, and you shut down the testicular function of being able to produce sperm. Wow. So with all these chemicals, aluminum, Mercury and flu shots, formaldehyde polysorbate, 80. So like, each vaccine doesn't necessarily have all these chemicals, it depends on the manufacturer and the vaccine as to what they add into each vaccine. Is that correct? That's correct. And because like for example, like aluminum is DPT, hepatitis B, hepatitis A, and then combination vaccines have the aluminum in them, and Prevnar and Gardasil and pediatrics have aluminum in them, and some of the hip vaccines have them. So you don't get aluminum from every single vaccine. But if you get all of the vaccines on the schedule, and all the ones that are recommended and pushed, you're gonna get doses of every one of these toxins. Wow, in how important is this to understand, I mean, just it all comes back to, you know, what I've heard about for years is bucket theory that you you know, you're born with a certain size bucket, whether it's small, medium, large, in this case, a larger bucket be better, where, you know, you can handle toxins, and then basically mom passes toxins on to you, but essentially, vaccines are adding to this whole toxicity load. And we don't experience symptoms generally until our buckets overflowing. Would you say that that's fairly accurate?



I would and and you're right, because every single person's bucket is of different size. And some of that is based on genetics and epigenetics. And this is another thing that's really concerning to me. Dr. J is the fact that, you know, hepatitis B, we began giving Hepatitis B vaccines in 1991 at birth. Well, all of those kids born from 1991 moving forward, if you're born in 1991, what you're like 2425 now, so now you've had the big ramp up of vaccines.



What happened from 1991 forward in 1991, we added Hepatitis B and Hib and then we added Prevnar. And then we added chickenpox. And then we added all of these flu shots starting in infancy. And so now you're getting to the age where you have a young adult, you know, 2425 year old adult, and has been fully vaccinated with all these vaccines and all of these chemicals, and you have a fully vaccinated mom, and a fully vaccinated dad, each of which have had these toxic exposures to their genetics from the time they were small. And even though they might say, Hey, I don't have anything wrong with me. You don't know what's wrong with your genetics. And you don't know what's going to show up possibly later. And you don't know what the full if you look at your child and say, Well, my kids been vaccinated, he seems okay. But you don't know what the full potential of that child might have been if they were not vaccinated. Such a great point. So I have to ask you the I have two final questions for me. I think they're big ones. If Well, before you do that, before we ask you big questions here. Can we talk about two more ingredients real quick? Yeah, absolutely. Okay, so I really want to mention formaldehyde. Because formaldehyde comes up a lot, because now that formaldehyde has been is a known carcinogen. We've known it for a long time, but it has been officially placed on a known carcinogen list a couple of years ago. I mean, formaldehyde allows no more than 0.016 part per million point 016 part per millions in the air, three part per million. If you walk into a place that can irritate your eyes, nose and your throat. 20 parts per million of formaldehyde is considered by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, which is no ash, or Nick. NIOSH, I'm sorry, says that 20 parts per million can be dangerous to life and health. formaldehyde can cause irreversible damage to the DNA.



But flu shots can contain anywhere between 50 and 200 parts per million of formaldehyde, irreversible damage to DNA from a flu shot, because we don't want to have two weeks of inconvenience. So that's formaldehyde and the vaccines that have formaldehyde are almost all of them. DPT, flu shots, polio, hep a hep B, meningitis, all the combination vaccines all have formaldehyde in them. So we are injecting this horrible toxin from all of these vaccines. Another really problematic ingredient is gelatin. And we've talked a lot about the difference between ingesting and injecting. So ingesting like if you go eat a bowl of jello, it's no big deal. You sort of like you know, digest it with your digestive enzymes and you've had a nice snack. But when you inject gelatin, it's completely different because it's highly inflammatory. And there's a very strong relationship between allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, with the gelatin and the gelatin. Now there's been several reports of people now starting to question of whether or not the gelatin because gelatin comes from cows and cow gloves if they if the gelatin isn't contaminated with glyphosate, and glyphosate is the major toxin in in pesticides, such as Roundup, and we use bovine serum in many of the vaccines and so that comes directly from the lymphatics of the cow. And do we have gleiss, a fate that's getting into the vaccine supply through this gelatin. And the vaccines with gelatin, again, are flu shots, MMR chickenpox in the shingles vaccine. And the shingles vaccine has the highest concentration of any of those vaccines. It has 15,500 micrograms of gelatin in that shot, the MMR has 14,500 micrograms per dose and the chickenpox 12,500 micrograms per dose. So we're talking milligram amounts of gelatin being injected, that we don't know exactly if it's cross contaminated with a pesticide or not. And one last one that I want to mention, because I think it's really important, is latex, because so many people have latex sensitivities and allergies and latex sensitivities can cross react greatly with different types of food allergies. And the problem with the latex is because you know when you get a vial and it's got, you know, vaccine solution in the vial, and you have to take this the syringe the needle and you push it through the rubber stopper at the top in order to suck all the solution into a syringe in order to inject it into your arm. Well, the mere act of putting that needle in and out of that rubber stopper can pick up little particles of latex that isn't it then injected into your system. And the package inserts on many of those vaccines say right on the package insert it says warning and big letters. It's



says the stopper of this vial of this product contains dry natural latex rubber and may cause allergic reaction. by six months of age, if the child is fully vaccinated, they will have received 19 injections with potentially 19 bits of latex injected into their system, which could have huge effects. It's the whole beaver animate effects sort of thing, those tiny little bits over and over and over again, are causing a sensitization. And the saddest part of all of that Dr. J, is that we've had a safer type of rubber stopper that's called gray butyl rubber that's completely synthetic and completely inert. And it's been available for pharmaceutical grade stoppers since the 1960s. And yet the manufacturers in most of the vaccines still have latex in their stoppers. Wow, that makes so much sense, though, why there's such latex allergy I think about I was in the Chicago area, listening to a presentation goes out of high school, and there was a sign right on the front door. And this is maybe six, seven years ago. So this is this is a while ago, and it said, you know, no latex of any kind allowed in the school, basically, because of the you know, the allergy, but essentially, that allergy could all be triggered from the stoppers, essentially, that they're, you know, using when they're making or when they're giving vaccines then. Exactly. And I had I had someone tell me while ago that this was before she knew me, and she she doesn't get flu shots anymore. She's a little bit older than me, but she used to get a flu shots every year. And she said, I always wondered why some years I get a flu shot and I'd be just fine. And other years I would get a flu shot and I would just I couldn't breathe, I would start wheezing and all these other things. Well, it's because some of the flu shots, shots, vials have synthetic stoppers, and some of them have latex stoppers. And the same is true for DPT for Hib for hepatitis A, B, even Gardasil has has a synthetic stopper, but its counterpart that is used in Europe, the cervix has a latex stopper, the meningitis vaccine, some manufacturers use synthetic and some manufacturers use latex. And I honestly believe that that's by design. I believe that it's one more layer of protecting these vaccines because you never know which one you're getting. And so they can't do an epidemiological study and look at a epidemiological pod of people because some of them got it with latex, and some of them didn't. Wow, I'm learning so much from you, Dr. tenpenny. Today, I just, it's unbelievable. It makes you just so rethink it. So I mean, my one of my questions that I wanted to get to was okay, if you choose not to vaccinate or just even do less vaccines, I mean, what, what you feel is the best route for for that then? Like, I mean, as far as you know, just focusing naturally on how to increase your health. What's your thoughts about that?



My thoughts are if by now, if by 2016, when I started this, Dr. J was in to September of 2000, after I went to the NCIC, the National Vaccine Information Center meeting, and I came home and I started investigating, if you looked at that time on the internet, you could find a few websites. There were a handful of people Facebook wasn't even around then. If you went to Amazon, it was Amazon just was launched around 1990. It was 10 years in business. There were a couple of books there. There were Neil Miller's very good books, but they were written specifically for parents, not nothing for doctors. 16 years later, there are dozens of books on Amazon, there are over 500 anti vaccine, Facebook pages, my books, all of my videos have been are all up on YouTube. They've all been pirated. They're all up on YouTube. Susan, Dr. Suzanne Humphreys information, which is just incredibly good information is on YouTube. With all of the information that's out there.



I see no reason why any parent would be uninformed, and would err on the side of Well, my pediatrician said so so I'm getting the vaccines and take any risk of any of these things being injected into your child. Worst case scenario is death. The next worst case scenario is probably autism. But between death and autism, you have allergies, eczema, ATD, ADHD, insulin dependent diabetes, the long list of autoimmune and neurological diseases. We already talked about all kinds of seizure disorders, you know, just the lack of the full capacity of who your child might have been, if you wouldn't have injected these things into them. So the idea of vaccinating slowly selectively one at a time. It's about time that we dispel that it's about time that we look at these



things as corrosive to the DNA and cause much more harm than good. And people need to stand up and be brave. I mean, I know you and I were talking a little bit before the interview about the movies asked, and how Vax really shows the corruption of the CDC. And it's



the corruption of the CDC that they they lied to Congress under oath, they shredded data, and they manipulated information and kept it from the general public for 16 years that the mumps fraction of the MMR vaccine definitely increases the incidence of autism and particularly an African American little boys. They did that with not only with the MMR, what else did they hide from us. And you should google this go out and Google Dell, big tree, comma July 1, and listen to it to Dells rant about standing up and being brave. And it's time for everyone to be brave and stop this, and a little bit of poison is still poison. So selectively vaccinate or just don't do it. And instead depend on your child's own immune system to eat right, take vitamin D, you know, maximize your, your levels of vitamin D, your vitamin D levels should be between 80 and 100. On the report, it shouldn't be at 30 or 31. To get maximum protection. And that's in any age group. take lots of vitamin C, even in adults, maybe even bolster up your vitamin C almost about tolerance so that you can detox things from your system. And you can boost up your white blood cells to create your own internal immunity. You'd take lots of fish oils, you know, omega threes are so important to cut down inflammation. And to help you detox. Drink plenty of purified water. Because anything that's in your system, you need to detox it out of your system through your kidneys or your colon or your skin. And the water is the way to do that. eat good food, try to eat as much organic as you can afford. Avoid, avoid as much pesticides as you possibly can. That's what health is all about. Dr. Jay, it's all about health being an inside out phenomenon. And there's absolutely no way you can possibly approved a little baby's health by injecting anything into it. I could not agree with you more. Dr. tenpenny. I mean, it's so I was I was vaccinated, obviously not to the same schedule today that kids are my daughter, though, who's four, we've chosen to completely stay away from it because I just I don't want any of those chemicals injected to her. So my last question that I have to leave you with and ask you is if we have gotten vaccines, what can we do? What is there any options? I mean, what's your thoughts in that category? Well, that's a really tough question. Because unlike eating something that causes you an allergic reaction, you can stop. Or even if you're taking a prescription medication, and it doesn't make you feel well, or you're having some sort of reaction to it, you can stop. Once you vaccinate, it's very difficult, if not impossible to unvaccinated. And once all of those things that are injected into your system, all of the contaminants we talked about the aluminum, mercury, gelatin, latex, all of these things are into your system in they've been incorporated into your DNA and into your bone marrow and stuffed into your kidneys and liver and, and some of them like polysorbate 80, which can cross the blood brain barrier. It's very difficult to unvaccinated and get those things out. You can key late the heavy metals you can key late the heavy metals, the natural things you can use like chlorella and garlic and some oral key laters that can help to get the mercury out. That can help somewhat with the aluminum. There's lithium orotate, which is a supplement that you can get over the counter. And the lithium orientated about five milligrams can help to push out some of the aluminum. It can also help your B your B vitamins function better in your system. But I think your best shot is to work with someone who's a classically trained homeopath, and use homeopathy. Because homeopathy, if you're familiar with the whole concept, helps to go backwards in time and repair some of the damage that's been done either by environmental toxins, emotional toxins, or other types of foods or even with the miasms. You can even go back generationally and unwind some of those vibrations. So working with a good classical homeopath and somebody that understands it, instead of just getting you know homeopathy from the health food stores. Okay, but if you're particularly working with a complex problem, a classically trained or a well trained homeopath is the way to go. Wow, what what awesome information. I mean,



I have so much energy in my body from listening to Dr. tenpenny. So



after workout after this or what but



I want you Because honestly, I get this internal frustration too, you know, because this stuff is just not out in the mainstream and this is what needs to be. That's why I so recommend people to share this



Post us on Facebook, post us on Twitter to allow people to hear this information about the toxicity side of vaccines and the things that you don't hear about. And you know, I just so want to thank you so much for taking time out of your absolutely jam packed schedule, Dr. tenpenny, to join me on the detox project today. Well, you're very, very welcome. And thank you for the opportunity to share this information with the world because I hope that this will get out to everyone all across the world, not only about vaccines, but all the rest of the vital information that's going to be part of the entire detox summit. Oh, I love it. That means there's so many takeaways from just understanding what an Agilent is to understanding the you know, aluminum and the salicylates, the latex I mean, all those basically allergies or sensitivities and where those could essentially stem from you know, just definitely recommend listening this again, because there's so much information definitely wants you to check out Dr. 10 pennies website. The best website to go to is vaccine research. so against vaccine research and take this life saving life transforming information home with you by clicking on the banner beside or below. And again, don't forget to share this with your friends and loved ones. They're obviously counting on you to share this information. If you don't i don't know who's going to so definitely go visit Dr. tenpenny maximum blessings. This is Dr. J. Davidson.