Notice of Liability: 5G WIFI Vax Poisons Wuhan Smart Phones DEW

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3 years
This video is a very informative interview. They cover some of the most important issues of the today.
Lena Pu is a mother of two teenage children, her past work involved restoring sensitive environmental habitat for the US Army Corps of Engineers. As a project manager, she worked with all the alphabet agencies for several years and took that experience and training as well as knowledge of environmental toxicology into her new line of work and passion – promoting the health of all life by preserving our natural electromagnetic earth through the use of safe technologies, WIRED tech. She is currently the Environmental Health Consultant for the ‘National Association for Children and Safe Technologies’ ( Lena's talk at Silicon Valley Health Institute: Facebook:â ;€¦
Today our guest is: Lena Pu she has a degree in Environmental Research & Design from the University of California at Davis. She has spearheaded a grassroots movement in her town fighting against 5G/4G deployment.
Video Source: LauraLynn
What’s Going on with 5G with Lena Pu
Lena Pu resources: ;amp;am…